26- Who's, was it?

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"Tessa sent me a picture of her ultrasound."


"And. Tessa wasn't lying," I hissed.

Nick coughed and choked, shook his head in disbelief, and was looking more confused than ever. "That's impossible! Very fucking impossible. Before you and I met, we hadn't had sex in months!" He yelled, with the angriest look on his face I had ever seen. "If that's the case, then she was fucking fooling around too. Because I swear to God Brianna, that is or was not my child!"

"So what you're telling me is, you were married to Tessa, and you never had sex with your wife. Got it..." I mocked. How in the hell can you be married to someone and not have sex with them? Not even to relieve what needs to be relieved?

"I'm telling you the truth, Brianna. I never wanted to have sex with her because I was not in love with her! And I tried avoiding her at all costs. For months, I avoided her!"

I looked back at my phone and tilted my head to the side as I studied the picture once again.

"I understand you're having a hard time believing anything I'm telling you when it comes to Tessa. Given the circumstances, as I hid being married. But damn it, Brianna! I'm telling you the fucking truth! And I wish to God that you will finally believe me! How in the hell can we move on with our lives if you can't even fucking believe me?"

Nick looked at me, shaking his head, then turned and walked into the living room. He stopped walking, rested his hands on his hips, then stared at whatever he was staring at. He looked down to his feet, then quietly said. "I need you to believe me, Brianna. And I don't want to fight with you about this anymore. Yes, I fucked up by having an affair with you, but I never fucking slept with Tessa. Tessa and I only had sex within our first year of marriage. Even then, I felt ashamed of having sex with her, and she was my damn wife."

"You told me she had you in her mouth, that it happened right before I found out about you. You didn't have sex with her then?"

His head waved. "No. And what I said to you before is what happened. And that is until she tried, and I immediately shoved her off. Nothing ever fucking happened that night. I swear. Let's just say something did happen that day. The fact is, she was supposedly already pregnant. And I'm going to repeat it. That's not my child," he insisted as he turned around and faced me. "This is just another attempt of her trying to break us up."

I sighed—Nick's right. There's no way our relationship will ever work if I can't ever believe anything he says. However, that is his fault for me not trusting him. But I must look past the past and look to our future. He has told me time after time that he would not do what he did to Tessa, and I have to believe him. He's tried so hard to prove to me that I am who he wants. That I am the love of his life, and he has repeatedly said he would never be unfaithful to me. In all reality, even though he was married to Tessa, and by what he claims, he hasn't been unfaithful to me.

I set my phone down, then walked over to him and rested my head against his chest as I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm sorry. But you have to understand where I'm coming from too. With you married and having an affair with me, it makes it look believable when it comes to Tessa claiming she was pregnant by you."

"I know," he whispered, caressing my back. "But I'm telling you the truth. The only lie I have ever said to you, well, it wasn't a lie, really; it was more like I hid the truth. And that was married that I was married."

I looked up and arched a brow. "You said you had a roommate. That was a lie."

"I said roommate because that's what she was. So that's really no lie there. I just hid who that roommate actually was."

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now