27- Special day

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One week ago, Nick and I were in Tessa's room, pressuring her to tell the truth, finally. We got the truth we were looking for, plus another confession we weren't expecting to hear. Now we sit outside a courtroom, waiting for Nick's attorney to arrive. While waiting, my eyes scanned the room, looking for the one person I wish never to see again once this day in court ends. Even though this is Nick's day in court and not mine, I still found myself feeling extremely nervous. And I worried about what's to come after we enter the courtroom, then to hear the judge's decision.

I leaned to Nick's shoulder and whispered, "I hope this is it."

"I hope so too."

"She's still not here. Do you think she will even show?"

He squeezed my hand and rested his cheek on the top of my head. "She'll show. This may not be what she wanted, but I think deep down, she knows this will be for the best."

As his cheek laid on the top of my head, I could feel him smiling. I leaned my head back, and even though I didn't know what he was smiling about, I smiled. "What are you smiling for?"

"I was thinking. Had I not spilled my beer on you that day, we wouldn't be sitting here. You wouldn't be in my arms, pregnant with my child, and I probably would never have known about Tessa and Jason."

I giggled. "You're lucky you are as sexy as you are. Because when I turned around with my arm held back, and my hand clenched into a fist, I was going to deck you hard."

"How sexy am I?" He asked with a cocky smile.

"Extremely sexy. That nearly every time I look at you, my panties moisten."

He leaned into my ear and whispered just as his attorney walked over to us. "Just wait until after court. When that judge finally says I'm officially divorced. Those panties won't even get a chance to moisten because my teeth will have them ripped off by then."

I looked at the attorney and swallowed hard, hoping he didn't hear Nick. Feeling embarrassed, I cleared my throat and stood. "I'll leave you two to talk."

"If you need anything, we'll be in the conference room inside the courtroom," Nick's attorney said, smiling as if he heard what Nick said to me.

"Okay," I blushed.

My legs were cramping from sitting, and I needed to walk, anyway. As I stopped to look at a picture on the wall, I heard Tessa's voice behind me and turned around. When I saw her talking to her attorney, my heart rate picked up, and I quickly turned around, facing the picture. I stood listening for a moment, then walked away before she saw me, and stopped at a vending machine to get a bottle of water.

I grabbed the bottle of water out of the machine. Then, when I turned around, Tessa was standing a foot behind me with her arms crossed against her chest, causing my heart to fall in my stomach and me to jump in the air.

Shit. What do I do? What do I say? Did she know it was me who was standing at the vending machine? Crap.

"Hi, Tessa," I quietly said.

She nodded and smiled.

All I could do was walk away.

I decided it would be best that I not be in the courtroom and sat in the lobby. After a couple of hours of waiting, I started to worry. Worrying that it wasn't going so well, and then I began to wonder if I should go in to see what was going on. Just as I stood and took two steps, the door opened, and out came Tessa and her attorney. Tessa didn't look mad, she didn't look upset, and when she looked at me and smirked, I felt it went her way, and the divorce never happened.

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now