11- Making up

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Feeling Nick moving inside me, with his lips genuinely moving along with mine and his tongue exercising with mine once again, was exactly what I needed right now, and I was feeling selfish. Very selfish. He is married, and to the one person, I hated working for. Just the thought of it made my stomach ill. But at the moment, I didn't care.

He fought hard for me this week, and now he was with me, with him buried deep inside of me. With his lips pressed hard to mine, and was kissing me like Tessa never even existed.

For that, I was in heaven.

And if knowing he's still married to her, and how he is with me by making love to me, was wrong and selfish? I will shrug it off. Because as of right now, I don't care. My heart is truly with him, and what he is showing me now is, his heart is with me. And I do believe him when he says I'm his world.

With Nick lying on top of me, moving and showing me how much he loves me while feeling his heart beating against mine, a song I have always loved came to my mind, with the song's lyrics explaining precisely what is going on with Nick and me. And that's Open Arms, by Journey.

Nick has asked repeatedly for me to believe him and that he has nothing to hide from me. He also wants to prove and show me what my love means to him. Then, I start thinking about how laid up I was in this house all week and how it felt so cold being alone and without him. Even though I'm hurt and upset with him, and how I've felt so much hatred for him, I knew in my heart that I still wanted him here, next to me, and to be in his arms, holding me like he's always held me. And now that he's come for me, he's turned my night into the day, and I needed him to stay.

Nick parted from my lips, rested his palms on either side of my face, and looked me in the eye, sincerely whispering, "I love you so much, Bri. Please forgive me."

My hands roamed up his back, to the back of his head, then pulled him down to me and kissed him until there was no more air to breathe. Needing air, I released my lips from his with a smile. "I love you, too," I said, then when I felt my orgasm was about to hit. I latched onto his neck, nibbled, then covered his lovemaking tool with all the warm fluids that my body had been wanting and wishing to release all week.

Nick rolled off, pulling me with him, and having me lay on top of him. As my hair fell and covered his face, he slid his fingers through my hair, gripped, then held my hair behind as he looked me in the eye. "I want you to know you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I will never forget that day we met, and I refuse to think it was ever wrong of me to ask for your phone number. And I mean that with all my heart."

My heart just melted.

My heart melted so much that my stomach suddenly felt sick, and everything I had earlier was about to explode out of my mouth. I covered my mouth, maneuvered quickly off Nick, then bolted to the bathroom as fast as I could.

"Are you okay?" Nick asked as he rushed to my side.

I shook my head. "No. I've been like this all week," I said quietly, choking as more liquid came shooting out of my mouth. "My nerves have been so unstable all week. Anything I've tried eating this week has refused to remain in my stomach."

"Alcohol doesn't help, you know."

I lowered my forehead to the cold seat and closed my eyes. "I know," I quietly said. "I just didn't care, though. I wanted something that would take my mind away from you to forget everything. Even if everything came back into my mind after I sobered up."

"I think you should try to eat something. It could help you feel better."

"I don't know if I can."

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