23- I only have eyes for her

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"What do you want to talk about, Tessa?" I groaned, kicking rocks away from my car. I couldn't look at her. Not right now. With as how perfect the day was going, I should have known she would be the one to ruin it.

"I was hoping we could talk about us. You know. About the divorce, the house, the money. Things like that."

Now I had to look at her. She needed to see the look on my face. The look she didn't want to see coming from me. And that look I wanted her to see was, that, I cannot stand you look, so please move on with your life. "Tessa. For the record. Again. There is no Us! And two, just sign those damn papers so we can both move forward with our fucking lives. And thirdly, I'm selling the fucking house. I tried Tessa. For once in my life, I tried to make you happy. And you showed me again, no matter what I do, I can't make you happy. So fuck it. I'm selling my house..."

She looked up to the sky, sighing, "Why does it have to be this way?" She asked before lowering her head. "I mean, didn't our vows mean anything to you?"

I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and clenched my fists. How many fucking times do I have to go over this with her?

"Tessa," I groaned, lowering my head. "No. The vows meant nothing to me. As I said, I tried making it work. You didn't. I tried to love you but couldn't. There's nothing there between us, and there never has. No spark, no nothing."

I saw the anger growing in her eyes and knew a fight was brewing. "Nick. You slid that ring on my finger, vowing to love me for better or worse, through sickness and in health until death do us part. You also promised to be there for me to help get us through the bad times."

I watched a tear fall from her eye, and I wasn't sure if it was a real tear or her typical known fake crocodile tear. She turned her head, and as the wind blew her hair, covering her face, she frustratedly removed the hair from her face.

"Yes, Tessa. I remember the vows. But as I said numerous times before, we never should have married. It was a mistake, Tessa. And you know it."

"Will you at least meet me at that cafe located around the corner? I need to get out of this wind."

I breathed in, then heavily exhaled as I thought about Brianna and how badly I wanted to get back to her. I looked down at my shoes, shaking my head. "I can't, Tessa. I have to get back to Brianna."

"Please?" She begged. "Just for a little while so we can finish this talk. And when we're finished, discussing what needs to be talked about, you can go back to her."

Surprisingly, Tessa looked and sounded sincere. And it had me thinking she needed closure before she signed the papers. I threw my hands in the air, sighing, "Fine. But I can't stay long," I firmly added, then raised my hand and pointed while I looked her in the eye. "I mean it, Tess."

"I heard you."

I followed Tessa to the cafe, and after I parked, I sent Brianna a message, letting her know I'm running late and that I'll be there soon. I watched Tessa walk inside, but then suddenly, I felt something wasn't right. Almost as if what I'm doing by meeting Tessa here is a big mistake.


She better not try anything. I'll take her down so fast that she won't even see the stray jacket that'll be placed on her.

I walked inside, then stopped and looked around. Not seeing anything fishy, I walked over to Tessa's table, pulled out a chair, and sat my ass down, all while trying to distance myself away from her.

"What can I get for you?" The waitress asked.

"Ice water, please."

After the waitress walked away, I looked at Tessa and groaned, "Alright, Tessa. You got me here. What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now