21- Crazy Bitch

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I looked at the slashed tires as I walked around my car. I couldn't believe it, yet, I could. After Tessa's phone call earlier, and how off she sounded, I knew instantly, this was her work of art.

"Do you think Tessa did this?"

"Who else could it have been? Look at the area we're in. I just can't figure out how she could have found me. With all the hotels around, and being further outside of town, I thought she could never find us."

To be sure it was Tessa, I spun around, looking at the other vehicles. Not one car had a work of art like mine did. That meant one thing. It was definitely Tessa. "That's it. I've had enough of her shit," I groaned, turning back to face Brianna. "After I call for a tow and have new tires put on, would you be upset if I dropped you off at a friend's? I'd like to visit Tessa."

The look on Brianna's face told me she didn't like the idea. She looked at the car beside us and crossed her arms along her chest. "I think you should call the police. You can't let her get away with this."

"I know I should call the cops, but I would like to visit her first. I'll take pictures, and then I will talk to whoever's in charge of the hotel and inform them of what happened. With a place like this, I'm sure they have camera's in the parking lot. I would like to see what she has to say first before I make that phone call."

She sadly sighed, "I'll see if Cora can pick me up. My car is at her place, anyway."

I pulled her to me, then gently pressed my lips to hers. "Thanks, Hun. I know this wasn't what I planned for us today, but I promise after I take care of this shit with Tessa, I'll take you house hunting."

She pouted, "I still think you should just call the police and let them handle this. This is what she wants. She's looking for attention, and by you going to see her, gives her just what she wants."

Brianna is right, but I feel this is something I need to try first. I lowered my forehead to hers and looked her in the eyes. "I know, but I have to put a stop to this, somehow. And I'd like to do it without involving the police."

"Okay," she sighed. "Promise me you'll be careful. If Tessa can continue wrecking your car, there's no telling what she'll do next."

"I promise," I said with an assuring smile.

Brianna called Cora, asking if she would pick her up. And after Cora arrived and Brianna got in Cora's car, I stuck my head inside. "Please keep her safe until I can pick her up."

"I will," Cora said.

I looked back at Brianna and caressed her cheek with the back of my finger. "I'll call you when I'm on my way."

My fingers raked through my hair, and profoundly exhaling all the air, I held in as I watched Cora and Brianna drive away, knowing that dealing with Tessa wasn't going to be any fun. While sitting in the lobby of the auto repair shop, I tried calling Tessa. Only, she never answered. And the more I repeatedly called her, with her not responding, the angrier I was becoming.

A wicked smile crossed my face when the next thought about confronting Tessa crossed my mind. Thinking the reason she isn't answering is that she's at work. As adamant as Tessa is about me not showing up at her job, that's precisely where I'm going next. And I couldn't care less if she gets pissed.

I was trying to make this divorce friendly, easy, and quick by giving her everything, along with a nice payout. But now that it's not going the way I'd like, it makes me wonder if I should quit being so nice and give her nothing.

Should I sell the house and not give her a nice payout?

Decisions, decisions.

The mechanic finally finished with my car, and after paying the bill, I placed the receipt inside my briefcase next to the divorce paperwork. This is one bill I'm going to make Tessa pay, and if she tries fighting it, I'll present to the judge all the evidence I'll soon discover after I leave the repair shop and after my talk with Tessa.

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now