19- What next?

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I finally got the courage to walk away.

It finally took three years to get out of what I should never have done, and that was marrying Tessa. I know the last seven months of what I've been doing was wrong on so many levels, and I know I should have ended things with Tessa long before I started having a relationship with Brianna, but believe it or not, I was afraid. I was fearful about what my father would say or what he would think. And I was also trying to prove to my brother; I was brave enough to be a married man.

My brother always said I had no balls. And he's right. The reason, you ask? I had no self-respect and was a coward because I couldn't face my problems as a man should. I let Tessa run my life, and she made me her puppet. And now that's changed. I finally got the balls to face and deal with the issues weighing on my heart and mind.

I feel a lot lighter now that a huge weight has lifted off my shoulders.

I now felt relieved. Happy. And as I started my car to leave, I grinned from ear to ear. But that smile soon faded when I started pulling out of the driveway. Tessa came running out of the house, yelling and screaming, and as I pulled out onto the street, she picked up a landscaping brick along with some rocks and ran to the road, throwing them all at my car when I stepped hard on the gas pedal, squealing the tires as I drove off. I thought about stopping after I heard my back window crack, but to keep the cops away, I kept going.

I drove for the longest time, thinking. Then I called Brianna and filled her in on what happened when I had my 'talk' with Tessa. If that's what you want to call it. And because of Tessa's reaction to the news and for what she did to my car, I asked her to stay at Cora's until she heard from me. I knew not to go back to Brianna's, and after hours of driving, I decided it would be best to stay in a hotel and found one just outside of town. After I got out of my car and stretched, I walked to the vehicle's back to see all the damage Tessa caused. Cracked rear window, broken tail lights, and dents. Bitch...

A heavy sigh came out of me as I looked to the ground. All the anger and frustrations I was feeling at the moment had me wanting to stand where I was and yell as loud as I could, but I couldn't. It wasn't worth it, and I knew it wasn't worth to be angry since I'm the cause of all this heartache with Brianna and Tessa.

I headed into the hotel to make sure there was a vacancy and was happy to hear there was one available. It was the perfect room and a room Brianna and I both needed. A suite with a jacuzzi. After I got settled into the room, I called Brianna, informed her where I was, then asked that she stay with me, mentioning that I needed her.



"I'm so sorry, Brianna. I know this is something I created, and it's a mess. I'm pissed at myself for getting you involved in something I could have easily taken care of long before we got together. But right now, I need you. Please come to the hotel; I need you more than ever."

Nick sounded desperate. He's right, though. He got himself in this mess, and he can fix it. Now he has a damaged car, an upset pregnant girlfriend, and a soon-to-be ex-wife who has completely lost it. Well, Tessa was a mess before this and had crazy significant mood swings before this all came about, but now? Now she's gone utterly mad. She knows she lost her meal ticket, knows her free ride has come to an end, and now I worry she's coming after me.

If Tessa has no shame in what she did to Nick and has done to him, then, well, she won't care, she won't be afraid, and she will have no shame in hurting me, either.

I didn't want to give Nick any hope I would come to the hotel, and I wanted him to think long and hard about what he's done, that I sighed while responding, "We'll see."

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