6- Feeling alive

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"Hey, girls. I'm going to get going," I said, pushing my glass of water away from me.

"Already?" Lydia asked.

"Yeah," I smiled, looking at the door.

Cora turned, then giggled after seeing Nick walk out the door. "I guess we know why you want to leave."

I stood and walked over to Lydia and Cora, hugging them both. "I'll call you tomorrow."

I sprinted across the room, and as I stepped outside, I looked around for Nick. After not seeing him, my eyes lowered, my mouth turned into a frown, and my heart and stomach sank, feeling he forgot I was at the bar.

"Hey, beautiful. Are you looking for anyone in particular?"

Knowing that was Nick's voice, I quickly turned around, with my lips forming into a wide grin. He reached behind and pulled me to him, crushing his lips to mine and kissing me with much passion, which had me feeling as if I were floating on air. The next thing I felt, I was being lifted and carried, then pinned against the wall as his kiss deepened.

The familiar taste of whiskey that was on his breath had me wanting more. Not only did I want to taste more of him, but I also wanted to feel him inside me after feeling his hardness press against me. I parted from his lips to get some air, and as I looked at him, I could see he had too much to drink and asked, "Would you like me to drive you home? All I've had tonight was water."

My question went ignored. Instead of answering, Nick's mouth went to my neck, devouring it like I was his last meal, then he moved back to my lips and sucked my face in, leaving me breathless when Nick parted and moved back to my neck, causing my nipples to harden like a rock. "No, I don't need a ride. Thanks, anyway, though," he whispered in my ear. "After you left my office, I couldn't stop thinking about you. And then seeing you here tonight, I just had to fucking kiss and showed you how much I missed you before I went home."

I turned my head, found his lips, and forced my mouth back onto his, kissing him hard and more demanding as the temptations I felt were growing much more potent. "You're getting me all worked up, and if you don't stop kissing me like you are. I'm going to make you come home with me," I moaned while our lips moved together.

He groaned, then parted from my lips. He was caressing the side of my face as he looked at me with sadness or hurt in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Bri. I would love to come home with you, but I have to go home. My damn roommate called, saying they need my help," he apologetically said, brushing some stray hair away from my face. "That's why I wanted you to meet me out here. I needed to see and kiss you before I went home to deal with their shit."

I pouted, then sighed, "That's okay. I have work to get done tonight, anyway. I came here tonight because my girlfriends called and asked that I joined them for a bit. At first, I told them I couldn't, but then my mind changed after being told you were here. I didn't come to see them. I came to see you," I smiled.

"Well, I'm glad you did. It was a nice surprise."

"Now you have me all horned up. Thanks a lot," I said, pouting my bottom lip out.

He leaned forward and sucked in my lip. "I do want to go home with you. And I feel bad telling you I can't. I just can't tonight. But I'll make it up to you. I promise."

"Okay," I whispered.

He cupped either side of my face and lowered his mouth to mine. Giving me the I'm so sorry kiss that had me feel even worse. "Maybe tomorrow we can pick this up. Sound good?"


"I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

As he left me standing there, feeling wet and horny, I was feeling a little pissed while watching him walk to his car like it was nothing to leave me the way he did. I know he didn't mean to make me feel this way, but he did, and it left me feeling confused. He even had me feeling hurt. This wasn't the first time he's done this to me. He always leaves me hanging and blaming his roommate for why he needs to leave.

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now