20- Please believe me

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I awoke to Nick not being in bed and laid there for a while, thinking he was in the bathroom, but after an hour of him not coming back to bed and not hearing him make a sound in the room, I thought maybe he fell asleep on the couch. But he wasn't there, or anywhere else in the room, and knew he left. I got dressed, then headed down to see if he could be at the bar, and sure enough, he was. But what I was seeing, I wasn't liking—a young blonde woman invading Nick's space with her hands on him. I walked over to Nick, and when I overheard the woman wanting Nick to take her back to her room, I started tapping him on the shoulder, and I loudly cleared my throat.

Nick turned around, and then his eyes widened when he saw it was me. I slapped him across the face and snapped, "Asshole! Do you mind telling me what's going on here?"

"It's not what you think, Hun," Nick slurred.

My eyes rolled away from Nick's and over to the smiling blonde. I angrily planted my hands on my hips and hissed, "Oh? Then, can you tell me why you're allowing a woman to have her hands on you, with her face barely inches away from your face and whose breasts are about to fall out of her dress, wanting you to take her back to her room?"

"Who are you?" The blonde asked.

With my eyes on Nicks, I mockingly laughed and snapped, "Isn't it obvious who I am?" I looked away from Nick and over to her, wanting to see her expression on what I'd like to say next. "And if you can't figure it out, you're pretty fucking dumb."

Nick's arm slithered around me, showing the woman I was his, but I still didn't like what I saw or heard and brushed his arm off me after she said, "I don't see a ring on his finger."

"That's because there is no ring," I hissed, stepping around Nick to get closer to her. "I'm his girlfriend. His pregnant girlfriend."

"Sucks to be him," she smiled.

"Aren't you a bit young to be in here, anyway? And what are you doing hitting on a thirty-year-old man, anyway?"

"I'm twenty-one," she proudly said, then smirked. "Who cares how old he is? Because I don't... and it's too bad, he's with you. I could have made his night a lot better. I'm not pregnant and can be much wilder in bed." She looked at Nick and smiled. "If you can't get what you want from her, my room number is 252. I'll give you a night that'll show us younger women have what it takes to satisfy men."

She stepped back, then nonchalantly turned to the table like it was no big deal for what she said to Nick or what I said about being his pregnant girlfriend. I felt like tackling her to the ground, and when I placed one step forward, Nick pulled me back. "Brianna. It's not worth it. Let's get out of here," he slurred while swaying.


I couldn't believe my eyes and ears and didn't want to hear any more that I spun on my heel, then hurried out of the bar. Had I stayed, I would have done and said some things that most likely would have kicked Nick and me out. What shocked me was with as fancy as the hotel and bar were, the blonde woman was proud of what she was wearing and didn't even care that she looked like a slut.

Just as I hit the button for the elevator, Nick rushed to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Please don't be upset with me. I did nothing wrong."

"Take your hands off me," I snapped.

"If you think I was about to leave with her. You're mistaken."

The doors opened, and inside I went, with Nick quickly following behind. I didn't want to be near him and walked to the opposite wall of where he stood. I crossed my arms and looked to the ground. "What were you thinking?" I quietly asked.

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now