14- Close call

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I laid in Nick's arms, watching him sleep, listening to him breathe, and thinking about the child growing inside of me. It was exciting, yet it scared me to know who Nick's wife was, how she was, and what she could do to me once she finds out the truth. Tessa can't put any of the blame of Nick's infidelities on me, when I had no idea he was married, and to her.

Tessa could, however, blame me for taking Nick away from her and for not leaving Nick after finding out they were married. That I could understand since I know the truth about them now. And here we are, both lying naked in bed after having another night of sex all night, and knowing he's still legally married to her.

My fingers caressed Nick's chest as I thought about what to say to Tessa once confronting me about sleeping with her husband. After all, I can't use the excuse, 'I didn't know,' when I have known about Nick being married to her for going on two weeks now.

Nearly two weeks ago, I thought Nick and I were over. At least I thought I was. But being in that house alone had me realizing I missed Nick so much more by not talking with or seeing him. I tried to hate him. I tried telling myself not to give in to him. I tried many things, but when he walked into that bar and took me away from the guy I was dancing with and saw the look in his eyes, all the hatred I felt for him, quickly erased. I was mad at him, sure. But the love I felt for him was so much stronger than the hatred I was trying to show I had for him.

Love is always stronger than hate. No matter how much you want to try hating someone.

Love overpowers hate.

This reminds me of something Martin Luther King Jr. once said. 'Stick with love; hate is too great a burden can bear.'

Just as I tilted my head to look at Nick, I heard a knock at the door. At first, I thought about ignoring it and continue laying in Nick's arms, but the knocking got more persistent. I rolled out of bed and grabbed my robe off the bedroom door, putting it on as I headed to the front door. I peeked through the peephole, and my heart quickly stopped beating when I saw it was Tessa. Shit...

I slowly opened the door, leaving it open a crack, and stuck my head between the door and door frame crack. "Tessa. What are you doing here?"

"Can we talk?" She desperately asked.

I didn't know what to say or do. I was only in a robe, Nick was in my bed asleep, and I probably smelled like sex. I said nothing as I thought about what to do, and as I stood there looking into her desperate eyes, I probably looked like I was a deer caught in headlights until she got me out of the trance I was in when I heard her speak. "Please?"

"Ah... yeah. Come in," I quietly said while opening the door further for Tessa to enter.

"I'm sorry for showing up like this. But I'm desperate."

I know. I can see that written all over your face...

"Desperate?" I questioned. Curious to know what she was desperate about. Was she desperate for me to come back and work for her, or was the desperation about Nick?

"I'm not sure what exactly happened the night of the event and thought everything went well. But then you took off in a hurry as if something happened. And then the next morning, you left me in shock when you called my office and quit. Since you quit, I've been a mess, and the clinic has been a mess. So I've come here, begging for you to come back. I need you."

While I listened to her talk, all I could think about was Nick in the other room, asleep, and hoping if he were to awake that he'll hear Tessa's voice and stay where he is.

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now