9- Hiding from everyone

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Of all people Brianna works for, it had to be Tessa. I've had my suspicions, and now I wish I had used my gut instinct about tonight. It was way too coincidental for them to be at an event tonight for work.

For Brianna to tell me she hates me and to see her drive away, upset had me shaking my head and feeling pissed with myself for what I've done.

I'm such a fucking idiot, and the one thing I've been afraid of happening most likely became a reality, and that's losing Brianna for good. I spun around, kicked the street sign that was in my way, and yelled, "Son of a fucking bitch!"

While I walked into the hotel, I tried calling Brianna but got the results I figured would happen, and that's getting her voicemail. "Call me when you get this. Please..."

I sadly walked back to the table with Tessa glaring at me as I sat. "You look like you lost your best friend."

I lowered my head and sighed, "My dad isn't doing too well." Which what I said wasn't a lie. I had talked to my mother just before arriving at the hotel, informing me she drove him to the hospital and asked that I kept my phone turned on for the rest of the night if something were to happen.

"Oh. While you were out there, did you happen to see Brianna?"

I raised my head, looked at Brianna's plate, then turned to Tessa. "Yeah, I walked out there as she was getting inside a cab."

"I wonder what happened? She seemed fine earlier.

I fucked up is what I did.

I shrugged my shoulders, looked back at Brianna's plate, cleared my throat, and closed my eyes while taking in a deep breath. All I saw were Brianna's saddened eyes, with her telling me she hated me. Fuck...

I opened my eyes, looked at my watch, then turned to Tessa, impatiently asking, "How much longer do I have to be here?"

"Why? What do you have to do?"

"I need to check on my parents. I need to make sure my father is okay and need to be sure my mother will be okay staying in the hospital all night... that's what I have to do."

"And you have to do that right now? Can't it wait?"

I found myself wanting to pound my fist on the table, but not wanting to make a scene in front of hundreds of people, I leaned closer to Tessa, quietly scowling, "Did you not understand the memo? My fucking father is in the hospital, and I need to make sure he'll be okay. Is that clearer for you to understand? Just for you, I made my face shown. I think they'll understand if I have to leave because of a medical emergency. If not. Then none of you are real doctors." I sat straight, removed the napkin from my lap, and angrily threw it on top of my plate.

"Fine. Go..." Tessa snapped.

I left the hall in a hurry and drove to the hospital, and as I entered my father's room, I saw my mother sitting next to him, holding his hand, and walked over to her. "How's he doing?"

"He's fine. It sounds like I'll be able to bring him home tomorrow."

"Did they figure out why he's been having these fainting spells?" I asked, looking at my sleeping father.

She nodded. "Diabetes. Your father's sugar level was lower than what it should be."

"That's not good."

"Now, if he'll just listen to me. I've been on him lately about his eating habits, and he continued to do his own thing."

I chuckled. "Sounds like dad."

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now