13- My heart's all yours

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It felt good to be away from home for the week and a half I was, but as I walked into my apartment, a sudden feeling of relief roamed throughout me. It felt good to be home. Even if it was to this small apartment of mine, I could tell someone was in here as I walked further inside. I noticed the chair to my dining room table was pulled out, the pillows on my couch were down, and then I saw the card Nick gave me with the bouquet of roses wasn't against the vase where I had it. It was facing down on the table.

I turned around when I heard the door open and watched Nick walk in with my things. He must have noticed the confusion on my face as he set my things down and walked straight over to me. "Is there something wrong?"

"Someone was here. Inside my apartment while I was gone."

His hands rested on my hips, then pulled me to him. "I was here."

"You were?"

"Yes. A few times, actually. I also stayed the night here a couple of times."


"Because. I was trying to figure out where you went, and I also wanted to be here for when you came home."

I took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled as I rested the side of my face against his chest and squeezed him tighter. It felt good to know he was worried about me. The thing is, I wanted him to worry. I wanted him to think about what he did to me and how I wasn't going to put up with what he did and all the lies he told me. Even though he claimed he isn't a liar like, I think he is or was. But to me, I consider it is lying when you're hiding the truth from someone.

He's right, though. I never did ask if he was married. I assumed he wasn't. I never saw a ring on his finger, he asked for my phone number like he was a single man, we hung out like we were dating, and we had sex all those times like we were a couple, that there was no chance any one of us had anybody else in our lives. The roommate part still gets me. But the more I think about it, the more I remember how much he dreaded having to go home to 'his roommate' and help with whatever they needed help with at the time. And the way he said the term roommate, I now realize there was a strain in his voice every time he said, roommate.

"I'm glad it was you inside my apartment. I thought maybe Tessa figured out a way to break in here or something since you said you think she figured out we know each other."

He kissed the top of my head. "I told you I was worried about you. About us... Every day I was being haunted by your expression that night when Tessa introduced me to you, and I was so desperate to make things right with you. I was so fucking afraid I lost you. Which was something I didn't want happening. Actually. I wanted to make sure it wouldn't happen."

I leaned back and raised an eyebrow. "You do know that if you hurt me one more time. It won't be Tessa making your life a living hell. It will be me."

He smirked. "Noted..." His hand moved up my back, cupped the back of my head, then lowered his lips to mine, pressing firmly. "For the record. It's not happening. Now that everything is out. You're my number one priority. Not only will you be my top priority, but that little one growing inside your belly will also be."

Shit. That's right. I almost forgot I'm pregnant.

"I know we just got back. But my stomach is feeling a little queasy, and I think I should lay down for a little while."


We walked over to the couch, and as he sat, I laid down and rested my head on his lap. The sensations of Nick running his fingers through my hair, the caressing of my arm and body, had me feeling so relaxed, I fell asleep. Hours later, I awoke to Nick's phone ringing. I looked up at him, saw he was sleeping, then looked over and noticed his phone sitting beside him on the arm of the couch and reached for it. Seeing it was Tessa, I silenced the call and set it back down next to him.

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now