10- I've missed you

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My head was pounding, I had to pee, and as I opened my eyes, it was then I realized I passed out on the couch and that it was the next morning.

I slept the entire day and night away.

As I sat up, the harder my head pounded, and everything I drank the day before was now rushing from my stomach up through my throat, and causing me to run as fast as I could to the bathroom. And like a rocket taking off into thin air, I puked out every ounce of fluid I had in my stomach, then I laid on the cold tiled floor and closed my eyes, trying to remember everything I did the day before.

Knowing there was nothing left inside my stomach to empty into the porcelain god, I slowly stood, then looked to see if he had any Tylenol for my pounding headache. After opening the vanity, I found a bottle, then headed into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. As I walked past the bottle of alcohol and saw how the bottle was nearly empty, had me rushing to the sink and wanting to empty whatever else was in my stomach, which was nothing. The only thing exiting my mouth were the acids of my stomach.

As I was leaning over the sink, staring at what came out, I told myself I would never drink like I did, ever again. No matter how upset I was.

I felt that if I made myself something to eat, it wouldn't stay in my stomach long. But after not eating anything yesterday, and hardly anything the day before yesterday, I knew I needed to eat something. I decided to see if something simple stayed in my stomach, and I started making myself scrambled eggs.

The smell of the eggs cooking alone was enough to make me want to puke, and I ended up pinching my nostrils together to try to stop the aroma of the eggs from hitting my senses. After the eggs cooked and my bread popped out of the toaster, I sat down and tried eating. It didn't take much. After a few bites of the eggs and thought they tasted funny, I pushed the plate away from me, ate the toast, then laid down and forced myself to sleep.


A week went by, and without talking to any of my friends, with me also ignoring Nick and hearing what he had to say, I was as bored as ever. Not to mention the sicker I was feeling. I wasn't sure if it was because my stomach was in knots, the more I thought about the situation with Nick and Tessa, or if I had come down with something.

I needed to get out.

I also needed a change in scenery.

When I went to the store a week ago, I remembered seeing a bar and grill not too far down the road and since I've hidden from the world inside Nick's place, to cry, puke, and sleep. I never gave it much thought to make myself a meal. Well, I tried once, and that didn't go so well. And since I got all the crying, puking, and sleeping out of my system, I think today's the day to get out, get some fresh air and walk my sorry ass down to the bar to socialize with some strangers and get some food in my stomach.

Since there was no cloud in the sky, a temperature of 95 degrees, and the sun shining brightly, I knew I needed to keep myself cooled and put on white shorts and a light pink tank top. Then, I pulled up and twisted my hair into a bun and grabbed a bottle of water before I walked out the door.

As I was walking, my phone rang. Seeing it was Nick, I silenced the call by hanging up on him, and then I put my phone back in my back pocket. A few minutes later, it rang again. This time, I let it go to voicemail, and once I got to the bar, I stood outside the door and listened to what Nick had to say.

Brianna, I wish you would quit hanging up on me and would give me a chance to explain myself. I never meant to hurt you, and I'm so very sorry that I did. When I said you mean everything to me and that you're my world, I meant it. You mean the fucking world to me, and I absolutely hate myself for hurting you. Since we met and started hanging out, you're all I have ever thought about day and night, and would instead go home to you every night than Tessa. I miss you. I miss you so fucking much, and with you refusing to talk or see me is killing me. Please. I beg you. Tell me where you are. I need to see and speak to you. I can't go another day without seeing you. I love you, and only you. Please call me back after you get this.

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now