12- The "test"

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I'm not sure if Brianna forgave me for what I kept hidden from her for the past seven months. But what I did know. She gave me another chance, and it was the best feeling I've felt since I broke her heart a little over a week ago. And the one thing I knew I couldn't do. Was to hurt her again.

I couldn't break that trust she was now willing to give me again.

My mouth was in the perfect place, and she deserved every feeling of pleasure I could ever give her. As my tongue glided up and down the walls of her pussy, she moaned, groaned, wiggled, screamed, panted, and her hips refused to stop bucking up and down.

She was in her happy place, and I was in mine.

Brianna's fingers slid through my hair, then she stopped, gripped on, and tugged with her hips, raising high while screaming my name as her warm liquids flowed down my tongue and my throat.

As she convulsed, I quickly moved up her body and to her mouth, pressing my lips firmly with hers and showing her how grateful I was to be with her this very moment. My hunger for Brianna increased, and I deepened the kiss while placing my cock at her wet opening. And in one slow thrust, I filled her entirely of me.

She moaned, and I groaned while entering her, and when I began moving my cock inside her, her fingers lovingly caressed my back. While our lips moved in perfect sync, my one hand roamed to her breast and began squeezing and massaging, then it moved to her other breast and repeated the squeezing and massaging.

I needed to look at her, and I wanted to watch her expressions while I made love to her and parted from her lips. She whimpered, then she smiled when I pressed my fists down on either side of her and pushed myself up, whispering, "Look at me, I want to see those beautiful eyes staring into mine." She looked at me momentarily, then she closed her eyes and tilted her head back, beautifully purring as I hit all the right areas inside her.

I was in heaven, and she was my heaven.

I lowered my mouth to her lips, kissed her passionately, then lowered my mouth to her neck and kissed every inch of it before moving back to her mouth and bringing her to the state of ecstasy I wished to bring her in. And I think I just got her there.

Her fingernails dug deep into my back, then her hips stopped moving, they raised high, and then she squealed, screaming my name repeatedly until her orgasm finished. Now that I knew she was satisfied, my thrusts became faster and more demanding, then I felt my swimmers needing a release, and as my cock filled her, I stopped and released the swimmers to find the finish line.

"God, I fucking love you," I moaned while colliding my lips to hers.

"Repeat it," she begged.

I listened, and she got more than she asked for. "Brianna. I fucking love you so much. From this day on. I want it so that you're falling asleep and waking in my arms every day. And when I say you're my world. That's because you are my world. My whole fucking world."


Brianna and I stayed in bed all day and night, making love, holding one another, and talking until we both fell asleep. The next morning, I awoke to Brianna still in my arms and sound asleep. I laid still, watching her breathe as she slept and thinking about how to go forward with Brianna without Tessa getting in our way. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but now that Brianna has forgiven me, I wanted to get a hold of my attorney and see if there was any way to speed things up.

I had a feeling she was going to sleep for a while. I wanted to surprise her with breakfast and carefully slid her out of my arms and onto the pillow. And as I covered her with the blanket, I softly kissed her cheek before I headed into the kitchen to see what I could make her for breakfast. With hopes of whatever I come up with to make, she'll eat, and that it'll stay in her stomach.

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