24- I warned her

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While scrolling the pictures and seeing what Tessa sent her, the angrier I grew, then I snapped, causing Brianna to jump. "I knew that bitch was up to no good!"

"I guess now I know why you brought home flowers," she sarcastically said. "You were feeling guilty. And now I know why. You were with her today. You weren't going to tell me, were you?"

"I was going to tell you. I even mentioned I had another talk with Tessa."

"You didn't say it was today," she retorted.

I held up her phone. "This isn't what it looks like. That fucking conniving bitch set me up. Jesus, Brianna. Some pictures she sent are old. Very old..."

Brianna angrily threw her arms into the air and walked away.

I rushed over to her and stepped in front of her, stopping her. "Get away from me," she snapped, pushing and walking around me.

"Damn it, Brianna. I'm serious! This isn't what it looks like!"

She walked back to me and snatched her phone out of my hand, and re-looked at what Tessa sent her. "Explain what all of these pictures are about, then! This one, you're talking to her outside of the hotel, standing awfully close to her. This one, you're holding hands in a restaurant. This one, the two of you are kissing inside the same place..."

"Stop. Just stop," I demanded. "Listen to me. It's not what it looks like. When I left the hotel to come home, Tessa was standing against my car. We talked for a couple of minutes, and then she asked that I meet her at the cafe so we could talk about the divorce, the papers, and such. At first, I said I couldn't because I needed to get back to you, then she begged me. With her persistence, I thought it was because she needed closure. So I finally agreed to meet her there."

"Go on," she insisted when I paused to take a breath. "Is that why you sent me a message saying you were running late?"

"Yes. I had a feeling it was a bad idea. But when I walked inside and saw the people inside, I figured it was a good thing and felt she couldn't do anything unusual there. I sat, we talked, she asked questions and questioned me about you. She wanted to know why I chose you and why I loved you—things like that. Of course, she claimed she loves me, gave me her famous crocodile tears, then she got weird and started saying things that made no sense. Then I got uncomfortable being around her and said I was leaving."

"She's holding your hands, and you're kissing her," she snapped.

I violently shook my head. "No, Brianna, it's an illusion. She tried holding my hands. I shook them off. She tried kissing me when I wanted to leave. I pushed her off and told her never to do that again. I kept telling her I was in love with you. She refused to hear it."

Brianna sadly looked away and sighed. "Why did you go meet with her? You know what she's capable of..."

"I told you. I thought Tessa needed closure. And when I talked with her. I gave her all the closure I thought she needed to hear to move on with her life. I had no idea she brought me there to set me up to try to break us up. And since we were in a public place with people around us, I thought it would be the safest and the right thing to do. I know the pictures look bad. But they're not. She had it all planned out with what she was going to do so she could send these to you. I'm telling you, that woman has seriously lost it."

Everything I was telling Brianna, I could see she didn't want to hear it, which was a bit upsetting and frustrating. I'm doing everything I can to satisfy her, to get it so that we can move on and so that we can get Tessa out of our lives. "Brianna, please don't be upset with me. I wasn't going to hide that I saw her."

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