22- You will pay for this

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My eye's flinched, and I jumped when Nick slammed the door as he left. I sat in the chair staring at the door, thinking he and Brianna will pay for what they're doing to me. I confided to that bitch about what I was going through with Nick. And this is how she repays me? By sleeping with him? What a fucking slut she is! There's no way she didn't know he was my husband. No fucking way. They're both playing this off as if I'm some dummy. Well, I'm no dummy. And if they think I'm going to go away quietly? They're dead fucking wrong.

I stood from the chair and walked over to the mirror, looking at myself. What does Brianna have that I don't? I fixed my hair, adjusted my clothes, then headed out to see Shyla. She was looking down as I approached, so I loudly cleared my throat.

Shyla slowly looked up, looking nervous. "Did Nick leave?"

"Yes. Nick left a few minutes ago."

"If he comes back here. Meaning today, or ever... I demand that you tell him to wait out here while you come to get me. He is to not come to my office. Understood?"


"Good." I turned around, and with my chin held high, I walked back to my office and at my desk. As I stared at the paperwork in front of me, the thought of working on my client's paperwork to submit to their insurance had me groaning. I couldn't think. Not about work, anyway. I then looked at the other papers sitting on the corner of my desk. The one's Nick had served to me. I still haven't read through it. I just scanned through the hundred or so pages as I didn't care what was in them. But now I'm curious as to what he came up with and picked them up.

Asshole... I flipped to the next page.

Mother fucking asshole... next page.

Major fucking asshole... next fucking page.

Fuck you, Nick!

I couldn't read these anymore. If Nick thinks I will grant this bogus divorce and says he will sell the house now, he's got another thing coming. That I will not let him do, and now, I'm going to make this as hard for him as possible.

Two can play this fucking game! I yelled while whipping the papers across the room.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. Think, Tessa, think. There must be some way I can stop this divorce from happening. And I think I know just how I can do this. I opened my eyes and smiled. It'll be perfect... After an hour of planning and making a couple of phone calls, I gathered up the papers I threw, and as I was getting ready to leave, there was a knock on my door. "Come in."

"Ah, Tessa? There are a couple of officers here to see you."

"For what?"

She shrugged.

"Send them in, please."

The officers walked in, closed the door, then one of them asked, "Tessa Frederick?"

"Yes. What can I do for you?"

"We're here to ask you a few questions."

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. "What kinds of questions?"

Apparently, he didn't like my attitude. He walked over to me, placed me under arrest, then handcuffed me while asking where I was last night and this morning.

"I was home last night, and I've been at work all day, officer," I said with a smile.

The other officer looked at the arresting officer and smiled while leaning to his shoulder and spoke into his microphone device. The next thing I knew, I was being read my Miranda rights.

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now