4- He's such a romantic

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After the weekend I had with Nick, he had me feeling like I was on cloud nine, and as I walked into work with a smile on my face, that smile slowly dissipated after Shyla, the receptionist, looked at me with a panicked look on her face. "Tessa is on a rampage this morning. Watch out," Shyla whispered while covering the speaker part of the phone.

I leaned over the counter, and with a curious look, I whispered, "Why?"

Shyla shrugged, then handed me my schedule for the day. Thank you, I mouthed to Shyla before walking away. As I walked into the room to set up for my first client, I immediately turned on some relaxing music, then set the temperature, lit the scented candles, then laid the linen on the table. Curious to see if my client was here, I opened the door, and as I stepped out, I bumped into Tessa.

Tessa had a scowled look on her face and eyes, looking like they were ready to kill anyone who crossed her path. "Good morning, Tessa. You're not looking the greatest. Maybe you should take the day off and go home to relax?"

Her eyes narrowed, and stared at me for what felt like forever; then she looked down at her phone without saying a word and typed something.

"Seriously, Tessa. I can take over your clients today. A couple of my clients had rescheduled with a couple of others who had canceled."

"That won't be necessary," Tessa hissed as she placed her phone in her back pocket. "I only have two clients this morning; then, around noon, I have to meet with my husband for lunch. Then when I get back, I'll be preparing for our wellness convention and dinner we're having this weekend."

I tried...

"Well, have a good day, then," I smiled as I started walking away, then I felt her hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

"You haven't forgotten about this weekend, have you?"

I shook my head, "No. I haven't forgotten."

Tessa wickedly smiled. "Good! Then you'll finally get to meet the one guy I'd like to strangle right now—my husband."



"Tessa has been calling all morning," Anna, my assistant, warned as I walked in the door.

"Thank you, Anna," I sighed as I continued walking past.

"Is everything okay?"

"Eventually, everything will be okay," I mumbled.

As I walked into my office and shut the door, I stood against it, leaned my head back, and sighed. This past weekend couldn't have been more perfect, and it's fucking killing me knowing what I'm doing is wrong. I lowered my head and reached inside my jacket pocket, removing my phone as I walked over to my desk. As I sat, I called Tessa.

"Nick? Where the hell have you been all weekend?" She answered, screaming.

With my elbow on my desk, I lowered my head in my hand, closed my eyes, and groaned, "I was with friends on Saturday, and yesterday I drove up to my parents' cabin to do some things."

"And you couldn't bring me up there with you? What the fuck Nick?" Tessa yelled, causing me to hold the phone out from my ear.

I leaned back in my chair, raked my fingers through my hair, then grabbed and pulled. "We can talk about this at lunch," I snapped, "I'm a little busy and don't have time to argue with you. Not to mention, I don't feel like getting yelled at while I'm at work."

"If you don't like getting yelled at, maybe you should think about what you do before you do it, knowing it'll piss me off."

"Everything pisses you off, Tessa. Nothing I do is ever right, and it's been that way for a long fucking time. Hell, you've been yelling at me since the day we married... You know what?" I growled, then paused. "Nevermind. We can discuss this later. I've got to go."

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now