5- Pleasure in the office

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Nick never did stay the night, which hurt, but when I awoke the next morning, I laid in bed for the longest time, staring at the ceiling with a smile on my face. The more I see Nick, and the longer we spend time together, the more I'm falling madly in love with him.

I walked into the kitchen, started the coffee, then turned around with my back against the counter, looking at the files Tessa handed me that were sitting on the counter. After a long hard sigh, I walked over, grabbed the files, then brought them over to the table to look through, make notes, and get the presentation ready.

Since I didn't have to work until this afternoon, I grabbed a cup of coffee, then sat at the table, working on what Tessa needed me to do. I looked away from the paperwork, trying to figure the right words to say, and noticed Nick's briefcase resting against the couch.

Curious if it was something he needed for work and knowing my wellness classes didn't start for another few hours, I tried calling him, only for him not to answer. After hanging up the phone, I stared at his briefcase for a while, pondering with myself if it would be okay to drop it off at his work and wondered if he would be upset if I were to come by his office since I don't allow him to visit me at my job.

Decisions. Decisions...

You know what? Fuck it. I'm going to see him.

I wanted to look my best.

More like, I wanted to make him want me right there.

After showering, I ravaged my closet, looking for the right outfit to make him drool, and grabbed a buttoned-down white shirt, partially buttoning it. Next, I put on a tan overlap pencil skirt, then stood in front of the mirror, admiring my outfit choice and smiling as I fixed my hair to let my long curls flow freely.



Never having been to Nick's work, I entered the information into my Google maps, then felt my heart gain a little speed as I started driving. I don't know why it was beating faster, but the closer I got to Nick's work, the more nervous I became. I wasn't sure if it were because I felt he would be upset with me for showing up unannounced or because I didn't know what kind of people worked with him. Oh well. Fuck'em. I'm not there to see the people who work with him. I'm only going there to see Nick and to drop off his briefcase.

As I'm pulling up to his work, my heart's racing to where it felt like it was going to explode. Calm down, Brianna. It's just Nick...

After parking next to the door and reaching over to grab Nick's briefcase, I took a couple of deep breaths before exiting the car. Unsure of where to go and as I walked in, I saw the directory on the wall and walked over to it, searching up and down until I saw Nick's name, muttering, Nick, fourth floor.

"Is there anything that I can help you with?" I hear a woman say behind me.

I turned around and smiled. "No, thank you. I found where I needed to go," I politely said, then walked over to the elevators.

After stepping out of the car, I saw Nick's real estate office was pointing to the right and nervously started walking that way until I reached the door. As I opened the door and saw a gorgeous blonde sitting behind her desk, a strong hint of jealousy suddenly roamed through me, and when she looked up and over to me, my knees suddenly became jello as I walked towards her. She indeed was a fucking gorgeous woman with bright blue eyes that brightened her face. "Can I help you?"

"Ah. Yeah," I quietly stuttered, feeling I made a huge mistake coming here. "I'm here to see Nick."

"Do you have an appointment?"

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