18- The papers

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A couple of days ago, I received a note from my neighbor, asking that I watch myself because of a crazy lady outside my apartment door, looking for me while she was on a rampage. Nick and I both knew who my neighbor was talking about, and that crazy lady with the blonde hair was Tessa. I thought she was there to pick a fight with me because of the divorce papers that Nick had served to her, but that wasn't the case. Tessa never received the documents, and because of that, Nick insisted all weekend that I do not go back to work for her, and I have a feeling I'll soon find out why.

Knowing today was the day I'm supposed to go back and work for Tessa, it had me pacing back and forth in my bedroom, debating on what I should do. Do I, or don't I? Do I, or don't I? Then I breathed fuck it, I'm not going to let her get to me as I stopped pacing. Feeling I should let Nick know what I was doing, in case Tessa had someone come and attack me, I picked up my phone and messaged him:

Brianna: I know this isn't what you want to hear from me right now. But I've decided to go to work today... I'm just letting you know. And please don't be upset with me. I absolutely refuse to let her bully me.

I set my phone on the bed, then started getting ready for what will either be a good day where Tessa leaves me alone or a bad day where Tessa corners me in a corner, confronting me about Nick. While I was sliding the skirt up my legs, my phone rang. Knowing it was Nick, and feeling he would beg me not to do this, I ignored it. Then, on my way to the clinic, Nick called again. I didn't want him to continue calling me, so I answered it and sat in the parking lot talking to him. "I'll be fine. Don't worry. If I need you, I'll immediately call you."

My heart raced a little as I walked into the building, but as I entered, a familiar smiling face greeted me with a warm, welcoming smile, and my racing heart slowed. Shyla came out from behind the counter and rushed to me, hugging me. "Oh, my God! I'm so happy to see that you're back! It's been one huge nightmare since you've been gone."

If she only knew the nightmare I've been in lately.

"Don't get yourself too excited," I quietly warned as I hugged her back. "I'm still unsure if this is what I want to do. And I'm not so sure it's a good thing for me to be here as we speak."

"Are you serious? Why?" Shyla pouted as she lowered her arms, looking bummed.

I leaned to her ear and whispered, "I'm not so sure I can work with Tessa anymore. I don't need the stress and that reason being that I'm pregnant."

I stood straight, looked at her, and then I noticed the look in her eyes. She looked as if she wanted to ask me something, and then she bit on her bottom lip. Still looking like she had something to say, and as I turned and started walking to my room, she quietly said, "If it's about Nick. I already know."

I stopped and quickly turned around. "What?"

She hurried to me and pushed me to start walking after she looked around, looking like she was making sure nobody was around to hear what she had to say. "I saw the two of you talking that night at the convention. And I also heard what the two of you were saying. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to listen in on yours and his conversation, but when you left the table after saying you were about to be sick, I ran after you. I wanted to make sure you were okay, and then when you left the restroom and got into that argument with him in the hallway, that's when I figured out why you got sick."

"Was there anyone else around?"

She shook her head, no. "It was only me."

That's a relief. I don't need to feel more embarrassed than I already am.

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