25- Stay away from her

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I sat in shock, staring at Tessa, and I was at a loss for words. I didn't know whether if I should cry or get angry and accuse her of lying. But she had the proof. And she showed me the evidence that she and Nick were, in fact, sleeping together.

The room suddenly got colder than it already was, and then I noticed the room begin to spin. "I should go," I quietly said, standing quickly and feeling as if I were about to faint.

"I understand what you want from me, and I'll think about it. But now that you know why I've been as upset as I have, maybe now you'll understand why I'm pissed," Tessa said, standing, then turned, walked to the window, and looked—standing just as she was when I entered the room.

As I felt the room closing in on me, my breathing became heavier and faster, and I knew I had to get out of the room. And I needed to leave fast. I looked at Tessa one last time, then turned before I fell to the ground, and as I got to the door and held onto the doorknob, I said what I first came here to say. "For what it's worth, I ask that you please do the right thing."

I opened the door, and after I exited and shut the door behind me, I stood against it with my hand covering my mouth and closed my eyes, trying to fight the tears that wanted to escape. I took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, then repeated until I felt I was able to walk. I started walking, and after taking a couple of steps, I felt dizzy, I was having a hard time breathing, and then everything went black.

I have no idea how long I was lying on the floor. But when I opened my eyes, everything was blurry. However, I could see a woman's face in mine, asking if I was okay, then she began yelling for help. The next thing I knew, they lifted, then rushed me to a room where they started examining me, hooked me up to some machines, then ran a test to make sure the baby was okay.

"How are you feeling?" A nurse concerningly asked.

"I'm fine," I lied. I felt a bit lightheaded, and I was also feeling a little sick to my stomach. But I didn't want to tell them that. I just wanted to get out of the hospital and to get home before Nick got home.

"You're a bit pale, and your oxygen levels are low."

"Really. I'm fine. I received some news that got me a little worked up, and it didn't sit too well with me," I said, pushing myself to sit straight. "What I need is some fresh air."

The nurse handed me a glass filled with water. "You stay right where you are and drink this," she urged. "While we wait for your test results to come back, is there someone who I can call that can come to pick you up?"

I shook my head. "No. Besides, I drove here so I can drive back home."

"I'm sorry, miss. But for safety reasons, our hospital policy is that we can only release you to someone related to you or your significant other. If they're not an option, are you married or still with the father of your child?"

Great. Nick is the last person I want coming here to sign me out of here. "Can I have a friend sign me out?" The nurse unapologetically shook her head no. I raised the small little dixie cup filled with water to my lips, drank it in one swallow, then sighed as I rested the cup on my belly. "I guess you can call the father of my child," I said quietly, then gave her his number.

Just as the nurse opened the door, I called out, "Are you sure I can't drive myself?"

"Hospital procedure is we can only release you to a relative or someone that's like a relative."

Welp... This will be fun.



Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now