3- Night and day of pleasure

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Nick held my hand as we walked through the hallway, then halfway down, he picked me up and carried me the rest of the way. About two months ago, I had given him a key to my apartment. At first, I was skeptical about giving him a key to my place, but as my feelings for Nick began growing stronger, I felt it would be the right thing to do. Plus, I felt if I were ever to get locked out, I could be his damsel in distress, and he would come to save me.

He dug his hand in his pocket, grabbed his keys, unlocked my door, then continued carrying me inside and into the kitchen, then set me down on the counter. We stared into the eyes of each other for the longest time, no words said, just lustfully staring. He stepped closer, tightened his grip around me, then rested his head on my chest. "I'm sorry about what happened at the bar tonight. I had no right to act the way I did."

"It's okay. You didn't know. Plus, it's my fault for what happened," I said quietly, running my fingers through Nick's overly sexy disheveled hair. Hair that I was ready to grip, tug, and pull.

"How would it be your fault?" His head backed away from my chest, looking at me questionably.

"Because. When I saw you walk in, I assumed you blew me off tonight. I felt you were there lurking for another girl to bring home. That's when I stormed over to my table, grabbed Alex, and brought him to the dance floor. I never thought it would escalate to where it did. So, I apologize."

He lowered his head, shaking it. "No. I wouldn't do that to you," he muttered, sounding strained. "Again, I had no right to do what I did." His hands gripped onto my thighs, spreading them, then forced his way closer to me. Then he reached his hand around my head, cupped, and pulled me in for a tender kiss that soon turned aggressive and hot. So hot and electrifying that it sent electricity jolting throughout my body and my clit swelling.

I gripped on to the bottom hem of his shirt, lifted and pulled it over his head. Then I lowered my head to his chest, stuck out my tongue, and trailed it along his rock hard muscular chest until his hand cupped my chin, lifted my head, and planted his lips to mine. He was giving me another kiss that sent me into sexual bliss.

Then, I lost my clothes.

Nick's mouth quickly covered mine, sucking the life out of me while his hand covered my pussy. In one hard thrust, two of his fingers entered into me; at the same time, his other hand wrapped around and grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling hard and giving him better access for him to devour my neck. As his tongue slowly glided along my skin, stopping to nibble and suck, the throbbing between my legs got the best of me and caused the moans escaping my lips to become louder.

I needed him.

I wanted him.

And that need for him was finally happening when he unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor; at the same time, his tongue was thrusting more in-depth into my mouth. A loud groan roared out of his mouth after I lowered and wrapped my hand around his hardness, pressing against me, and started massaging it up and down. "Fuck me, Nick," I demandingly begged.

He listened to my needs and pulled me to the edge of the counter, placing me to him, and in one desperate thrust, I gripped the counter as he entered inside me. He was thrusting hard and fast and hitting my magical spot with each thrust. My arousal was nearing, with my moaning becoming more desperate for my release to hit and my warm fluids to cover him. His thrusts were getting faster, harder, and deeper, and when he gripped and tugged on my hair, it sent jolts of electricity down my spine and my release to finally let free.

With a couple of more pumps and grunts, he finally broke free, pushed in as deep as he could, and stopped. He was releasing himself all inside of me, warming and filling my insides of him, hungrily sucking my face in until he finished and pulled out of me. His arms wrapped around me, and lowered his forehead to mine, smiling as he caressed the side of my face. "I fucking needed that just as much as you. What do you say we continue this in the shower?"

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now