Chapter 38

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1 year later


Its been another year my babies are growing up fast. Narah is 5 and Mykey is 3 and I'm 5 months pregnant with a girl. As of now I couldn't be happier yes I'm still young but hey. I honestly dont know when I will leave this world but when I do I want my remains to live on for me and accomplish goals I wasn't able to accomplish.

I want the best for my kids including my unborn. Seeing my kids just makes me smile and feel happy.

I know this isn't something I wanted as in having my first kid at 18 but its ok I'm still living life to its fullest.

"Hey babe I brought food." Mateo said walking in the house with a bag of food and another bag with snacks.

"Ooooohhh what you get?" I asked looking in the bag. I seen he got carne asada fries. I smiled so big. "Thank you baby." I kissed him and started eating.

"Hi daddy, My spilled his juice on your  Louis Vuitton and your red bottoms shoes." Narah said smiling and grabbing her food sitting next to me.

"What the hell oh my gosh please don't be my new ones." He said to himself running upstairs.

"Is it his new ones?" I asked her. As soon as I asked that I heard him yell.

"AAAHHH NOT MY BABIES, MYKEY WHAT THE HELL GET OUT MY DAMN ROOM BREEEEEEEE!" He yelled. I laughed it sound like he was crying. Then Mykey came down stairs sniffing.

"Awww baby come here stop crying." I said kissing his forehead. Then Mateo came down with full blown tears.

"Breeeeeee." He cried. I wanted to laugh so hard.

"Your ok my big baby." I said kissing his nose then his lips.

"B-but m-my s-s-shoes." He wined.

"You can just buy more or get them cleaned." I said wiping his face since he was really crying. He sniffed and mugged Mykey.

"I love you daddy." Mykey said smiling and kissing him.

"You lucky I can't stay mad at you." Mateo said picking him up and kissing all on his face. "I love you lil man." He said kissing him.
"I love you too Narah." He said kissing Narah. " I love you lil mama, and you too future wife." He said kissing my stomach then kissing me softly. Now I couldn't ask for a better life.

"We love you too." We all said to him. I love my life.


Even though I'm STILL mad as hell. Mykey is still a kid. When I walked in the room he was crying with the juice everywhere but I just got mad and told him to get out.

Thats my first boy and hopefully I get another after my baby girl come out.

"AYE TEEOO!" I heard yelling and the front door slam. Who in my house now. I walked to the front to see Ayo and Keke.

"Wassup ya." I said dapping Ayo up and hugging Keke.

"Where my baby at?" Keke asked reffering to Bre.

"In the room eating up everything." I said chuckling. She giggled and walked upstairs.

"I still can't believe you a dad lil bro." Ayo said as we walked to the game room.

"I still can't believe it myself." I said smiling. I'm already on baby number three. Everyone else still have zero kids.

"Man time does fly. It felt like yesterday when we just met Bre and she was super shy." Ayo said. I laughed and nodded.

"Right then she finally started getting comfortable around us and thats when our parents started to make us take baths together. Horrible." We both laughed. We all have so many memories our childhood was the best.


Me and Bre sat on her bed just talking about our childhood. We didnt have no worries. We all got along didnt have to think about boyfriends girlfriends or drama we had each other and that was enough.

"Remember when that one boy confessed his feelings to me when we were about 10 and Teo was standing right there and he pushed the boy and told him he would never have a chance so he should give up now." Bre said and I laughed. Teo was so jealous.

"No when we all went to the park on that rainy day when we were about 8 and it was mud everywhere and we all was just playing in it and then when we got back to your house all of our parents took turns beating our ass." I said as we both laughed.

"Them was the good days." We heard Ayo say and him and Teo was standing at the door smiling. They walked in and sat on the bed with us.

"We have so many memories good, bad, happy, sad, boring, fun and more. Just know all of them memories will be cherished I will take them to the grave with me. I love ya." Ayo said. We all smiled.

"We love you too." We laughed and just talked about so much stuff until we couldn't talk no more.

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