4. Creeping

330 22 19

~~~ EXO - Monster ~~~

Jun's POV

He sat down into the grass, leaning his back onto the tree trunk behind him. He dropped his phone on the ground, after reading Sehun will be late. As expected. There was no day without Sehun not being on time, especially after his dance class.

Jun rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what held his friend behind. They were supposed to go to the gym together, but Sehun being himself was wasting his time to chase another naïve girl, who was ogling him over the glass door to the dance studio.

At least the day was nice, so he could wait for him outside.

He leaned his head back, enjoying the sun rays stroking his face, he closed his eyes and sighed a little. He liked his little hide out, it was still on the premises of the school, but hidden from the swarming of the students, who were still present in the school, despite the fact it was later in the afternoon.

The place he was hiding himself was farther on the hill and he was sitting behind the tree trunk so no one down in the main building, could see him. No one would even guess it's him, who is sitting here alone, because he was Kim Junmyeon, someone who is constantly surrounded by the people.

That was why he loved these moments when he could just be on his own, without the chatter of other people.

He heard student coming out of the smaller building, which was on the side he was facing, they were running out on the grassy field with massive running circuit, which had belonged to the gym house. For some reason it made him focus his attention to the little group of students. He was not quite sure, why his eyes were scanning the cluster of young people, who had come out to start their active afternoon club.

He recognised Bora in the swarm of people, he smiled seeing her exaggerative enthusiasm, when the leader of the club asked them to run five laps around the field. Everyone who knew Bora, was aware of her burning hate for running. No one could understand why she signed up for this club.

His eyes kept wondering over the faces of the present students, when he finally saw her.

His body automatically straightened up, placing his elbows on his knees, like doing that could help him to see her better. She was not that far, this place was closer to the place where she was, than to the main building on the other side.

Jihye was not part of this club, but he knew she always came with Bora, waiting for her friend to finish, just like he was now waiting for her brother.

Funny thing about Jun looking for her, event though he has never done that before, was that he was aware of all that information and he had no idea about it. Did he come here today, knowing he will see her down there?

He shook his head, frowning slightly.

He came here to wait for that girl's brother. He convinced himself, while keeping his eyes on her frame. She walked away from the circuit, waiting for Bora, who was now running in the circles, Jihye sat down on the bench and took out notebook and pen.

He had a great view on the profile of her face, when she made herself comfortable sitting down. She was staring into the space for few minutes, while he gawked at her and he didn't stop, even when she bowed her head down and started to write something into the notebook.

He couldn't remember if he ever looked at her before.

That didn't make much sense, of course he looked at her countless times, so why could he not stop himself from studying her features. She was too far, for him to see it clearly, but then he remembered his visit in Oh's house two days ago.

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