18. Drowning

203 17 11

~~~ Nu'est W - Deja vu ~~~

Jun's pov

He felt like a thief.

He, someone whose reputation was built on being known as the nicest, the most honest guy on school. He snickered for himself, letting his fingers work faster than before.

If someone told him, he will be going through someone else's documents, without them knowing or getting any permission whatsoever, he would probably laugh at the ridiculous image. But then, why was it exactly what he was doing right now?

He even made sure, he will come here, when there was no way, he could get discovered. The guilt stroke him right in the heart, but he shook it off almost instantly, simply because he had a perfect excuse for his abnormal behaviour.


He let her go, without telling him any details of what is up with the calls. He let her be, because he knew she was having a hard time herself and then it was pointless to try and ask her question. Plus since that night, she did all she could to distance herself from him. He was not having it. He only got her to come to him and he is not letting go of her. Giving up, was not in his dictionary.

He let go of her once, he is not doing it again.

And that all was the reason, he was now crouching down on the floor behind mister Oh's office desk, while looking through his stuff.

He was playing detective by himself, trying to find the list of outgoing and incoming calls from the landline company, Oh's were using. He was doubting he will manage to find it, easier was to call to the company, but her was saving it for later, in case he really can't find anything.

He was hoping to find the number of the person, who kept on bothering her.

In the end he didn't find the receipts, but he found the phone number to get through to the phone company and decided to call them, pretending to be Mister Oh. He realised he was going overboard, but the look in Jihye's face when that person called, was enough oil to be add to the fire inside of him, forcing him go to this extend to get the answer to his questions.

He left mister Oh's office, going back to his house to proceed with the rest of his plan.

He was being frank, as he called, wanting to know who the caller is, he remembered the exact time and date, so it wasn't really hard to find out the number of the caller. Thankfully the phone company employee didn't question him too much and gave him exactly what he wanted. He found out from him that the number was calling to the Oh's landline often, just like Jun already knew. There was no set time the person called, it was almost random, but the calls never lasted more than few seconds.

Now he was sitting in his room, staring at the number.

He was hesitating to call it. He thought about what he is going to say.

It rang, forever with no answer. Funny enough, it didn't even get to the voicemail mechanism. It just kept on ringing. He was trying it for almost half an hour, until he heard the click, as someone picked it up.

"Hello?" someone spoke up.

"Who is it?" he asked, calming his fast beating heart.

"You called, who are you?" the voice sounded like it belonged to a child. Jun frowned.

"Where are you parents?" he tried to use authoritative voice to make the kid listen to him, but the voice giggled.

"Are you my daddy?" the person asked, while Jun almost choked, being surprised by this kind of response.

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