24. Detective game

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~~~ EXO Xiumin - Beyond ~~~


She wasn't big city girl. Although she didn't mind going to the city with her family. It gave her sense of anonymity, like she didn't even exist in such a huge jungle full of tall buildings and people flowing in the streets without ever stopping.

She's never been to Seoul on her own though. And she most definitely never skipped school day on the top of it.

Now she was doing the two things, she never thought she will ever have courage to go for. Sitting in the train going from her little town to the never sleeping city, gave her jitters. Not because she was nervous about the journey. She was alright on her own. The thing was, she didn't have a clue, what she will do, once she arrives to her final destination.

But she will figure out as she goes.

Did anyone know about her trip day?

Of course not.

No one could know, what would she say? Oh, hey guys, I just need to pop into the Seoul for a bit and find out who is behind the scary weird calls. I will be back in no time...

Yeah, she could not even see how that would be a sufficient explanation. The only one who would probably understand... would be Jun, but she will be hardly sharing this information with him now.

She shook her head, staring out the window of fast moving bullet train. She decided to do this on her own. She was kind of excited to find out finally... but nervous as well. She could only guess and see, what kind of impact this whole thing will have on her.

But she was ready to put down this issue on her list of things that tortured her. She wanted it gone. She tried to call the number, but however long she left it ring, no one bothered to pick it up.

The last option for her left to do, was to make this trip a real thing. The speaker inside of the coach, let her know about the end of her journey that was quickly approaching. She felt so out of place, sitting in this busy train. Everyone seemed to have their own business to attend to, while being in Seoul. Mostly going to work. She was supposed to be at school at the moment. She could have chosen to ride down to Seoul on weekend, but it was more convenient to have everyone, who could possibly spoil her plans, out of her way.

Her parents were thankfully in different part of country, she didn't have to worry about running into them by chance.

It was only her in this, just like she promised to herself.

She was tired beyond her strength. She couldn't remember the last time she slept. She took a nap on the way here in the train, but the half an hour snooze, only provided her with tiny bit of power storage to survive this day. She mapped her journey all the way to the hospital in advance, so she doesn't get lost or anything.

She didn't like the idea of her going to hospital and she almost didn't want to go, when she realised that the place her detective roleplay is taking her to is indeed one, but she scolded herself for being cowardly as always.

She pushed through the crowd of people on the train station. She had the address written on the piece of paper, so she can give it ot the taxi driver. She didn't want to go by a public transport, she didn't believe herself to that extend.

"Where to, miss?" the driver asked, when she managed to stop one car on the street. She quickly climbed in and handed him the paper. He observed the address, looking at her through the rear window, with a little frown on his face. He quickly smiled and set on the road, thanfully the ride didn't take too long. It meant less time for her to change her mind and quit, before they get to there.

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