8. Temptation

233 21 14

~~~ EXO - White noise ~~~

Jun's POV

She was so damn cute.

He thought, smiling as he watched her storm away from his car.

Why has he never noticed her being this adorable? Of course, she was mad at him for some reason, but the way her cheeks turned pink and her eyes grew wider, when she realised the meaning of his words. He meant to mock her and she took it seriously, that making him pleased by her funny response. He was starting to enjoy the reactions, he managed to stir in her by simply teasing her.

On the other hand, he felt like he was losing it. Slowly, but surely.

He just spent all afternoon with Jihye. He's done so many things today, while being with her, which were not things he usually does. Like going for a drive, just to let her sleep. Or watch her sleep, let alone walking in the sand all the way to the stand with snacks and beverages to buy her coffee, which she didn't even drink.

He shook his head, peeling his eyes from the Oh's house and setting on the road to drive home at last.

He found his parents fast asleep in front of the turned-on TV. He quietly switched the program off and smiled, seeing the image of his mom and dad sleeping soundlessly next to each other. He let them know earlier that he would be late so they did not worry.

He let them in their happy dreams and went to his own room, taking his jacket off along way, that made him remember he left his jumper in the car, because he used it as a provisory blanket to keep Jihye warm.

He unconsciously smiled, thinking about how she happily snored, when he was fixing the jumper over her legs and placed her seat to more comfortable position. She never even budged, as soon as he stopped by the beach.

He shook his head once again.

He was going to study for his final exams and he could do that even in the car, with sleeping Jihye, if he didn't get distracted to the point, he had to get out of the small place, filled with Jihye's sweet fragrance. He couldn't stop himself from stealing glances at her petite face.

She had fair skin, almost porcelain like white, that making her pink full lips stand out, along with her big hazel eyes, which were closed at that moment, with her jet-black eyelashes covering her cheeks like shiny fans.

"Damn it...," he mumbled, laying down on his bed. He could not stop thinking about her. What was up with him?

He never cared to even look her direction, before the night in that kitchen. How could it all change in matter of few minutes? He always thought of her as the little sister of his best friend, she was quiet and shy... or at least that's what he thought, before he found out she could go all out, being mad little devil.

That formed another stupid smile spread over his lips, when he remembered her giving him the frown.

He took his phone and looked through his contact, realising he didn't even have her phone number. Was he blind, ignoring her up until now then?

He thought of texting Sehun to ask him for the number but stopped himself. How would he answer the question as to why was he wanting her number all of a sudden, when he didn't know himself why was he getting eager to get it?

Then he thought of Baekhyun, he will surely have her number.

He quickly sent him a text, leaving the phone on the bed and went to have a quick shower. He couldn't stop thinking about his phone being in the room, wanting to know as fast as possible, if he managed to get it.

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