9. Alibi

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~~~ EXO - Hurt ~~~

It' s been a week since that thing happened and she still felt like she is in the dream. Yes, dream... how funny that sounded to her, when she very sporadically had any and now she was living in one.

It was insane how life of one can change so quickly and go the direction, which she would have never guessed it would go.

The last time she's been to this house, was few years ago. She had no idea, she will have an excuse to be here again. The lamest excuse made them both being forced to work together. She shook her head, forgetting her heavy heart, jumping in her chest and her stomach knotting nervously in her tummy.

She smoothened her frizzy hair. It was raining all day and she was not on the best terms with humidity of living in seaside town. She shook her closed umbrella, as she was standing under the roof, that protected the front door of the house.

She lifted her hand, before she lost all her courage and knocked on the wooden door. She was about to start hyperventilating, but the door was answered quick enough to not being given time to start really freaking out.

She was not breathing instead, when the tall figure came to her field of vision. He was wearing casual black sweatpants and hooded grey jumper, his hands tucked in the front pockets of it.

Junmyeon as always looked absolutely flawless, making her feel insignificantly small, under his inspecting gaze. His eyes travelled over her body, that causing a shiver roll down her back. Her fingers enveloped around the umbrella handle in order to keep her hands steady.

"I hope you didn't get too wet. I'd come pick you up, but my car ...," he met her eyes for a second and diverted them almost instantly.

"I know, it's being serviced," she nodded her head, as well as him, not being able to meet his eyes again. It was still too weird between them.

"Come in," he stepped out of the way to give her a space to walk around him, into the hallway. She stopped walking, waiting for him to close the door behind them. He walked past her, brushing his hand over hers. The electricity sparked up in the air, she realised she gasped for the air, as she watched his hand bowl into the fist and his jaw clench. He didn't stop and walked into the sitting room. She stumbled behind him, thinking she should have asked him to meet on neutral place. This was playing with her mind.

And judging from his tensed posture, when he collapsed on the sofa, he was regretting the choice of their meeting point as well as her.

They were both walking on very thin ice, but they didn't know about it yet.

"I'm sorry we have to do this... together," she murmured, when she sat down on the armchair on the opposite of him. He finally peeled his eyes from the ground, looking at her straight. His irises turned into darkest brown.

"We both made the excuse, naturally we should take care of it together," He replied, frowning his forehead, there was more he wanted to say. Lately she always had a feeling he has more on his mind, then he is telling. Except he didn't leave it be this time. He leaned over, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Do you really dislike the fact, you have to spend more time with me than you are usually forced to?" tone of his voice dropped down, causing her stomach to go along with it.

"I...," she was not sure how to respond to that.

She was confused since the moment, they shared in the cinema. She never forgot about it, even after all the things occurred. Just the thought of him caressing her face, was too much to handle, to even think straight and figure this out the logical way.

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