1. Spilled milk

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~~~ EXO - Fall ~~~

She couldn't sleep. She rolled on her bed again and again, not being able to find the most comfortable position. She groaned and simply laid on her back.

She heard soft snoring sounds from beside her, where was her best friend sleeping with stupid smile on her face, probably dreaming about unicorns or something similar.  She was staring on the ceiling for another five minutes, not being able to actually close her eyes no matter how hard she tried.

Then she quietly got up and slipped down the mattress. She didn't have to worry about Bora, she was a deep sleeper, even if the apocalypse arrived, she would sleep it through, waking up and wondering, why is she the only survivor.

She put on her fluffy socks and went out of the room in the hallway. The parents were gone for the weekend, with Bora's parents, so she didn't have to tiptoe. She passed by the door to her brother's room, it was still wide open, like few hours ago. She rolled her eyes, that punk will come back wasted like an idiot again.

She went down stairs, not bothering to turn the lights on, when walking into the pitch-black kitchen. She always had a problem to sleep, it was usually better, when Bora was with her, but not even on today's sleepover it didn't help.

She got to the fridge, still without any light turned on, opening the door to refrigerator and taking out bottle with milk, blindly taking glass from the tray on the counter on the opposite of the fridge. She poured some in the glass and took a sip, leaning against the counter, her head empty.

That was when the front door creaked, alarming her about someone coming in. She quickly closed the fridge and stepped away, still with the glass in her hands. She fixed her eyes on the corner of the wall, which was separating the kitchen from the welcoming hall. She heard few grunts, coming out of someone, who just tripped over the threshold of the front door, bumping into the wall next to it.

"Shush!" one more voice added to the groans and moans, coming from as she already guessed from her brother. She rolled her eyes, wanting to get out of her hideout and help, but another voice appeared.

"Let me help you," girl spoke up. She heard shuffling, still not being able to see, who is it that brought her brother home, but she already had an idea, while her heartbeat increased as she clutched the glass with milk in her hand, trying hard to not even breath, when she saw the shadows appearing in front of her eyes, making their way slowly towards the stairs and dragging her stupid brother with them.

Her sight focused on the one, whose profile was turned so she could recognise him immediately. She wasn't really surprised to see her brother's best friend here. He was in their house almost on daily basis, he was the one who always made sure to bring that idiot of a brother safely home. Even though she saw his face every day, it never failed giving her weird feeling in her stomach. She blinked quickly, watching them disappear on the stairs right after, while she stayed still on her spot, trying to blend with the darkness of the kitchen. She realized she was holding her breath, so she released it slowly, closing her eyes to calm down.

She must get away, they will be coming down again, to leave. They can't find her standing here like a statue, but before she could even make a step from the place she was standing, she already heard steps on the stairs.

"Thank you for helping me, it wasn't necessary," the two of them appeared on the other side of the kitchen, stopping right there, obstructing the only way, to get out. She bit her tongue and stepped more into the shadow, hoping they will go away right now, without bothering to turn the lights on.

Her eyes stayed glued on the guy, who was facing the girl that helped him bring Sehun upstairs.

"It was my pleasure, I wanted to help," the girl let out in tender voice, lowering her head humbly. Jihye almost snorted out laughing, if the fact their sudden appearance made her into an intruder, didn't nail her to the ground.

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