28. Serenity

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~~~ EXO - Moonlight ~~~


Jun's pov

When he saw Sehun standing outside of their house, with the door opened and with his eyes searching the surrounding frantically. He knew something is very wrong. He was supposed to come and hangout in his house this evening, but his heart dropped, when he locked eyes with his best friend. Sehun was panicking.

Sehun never panicked, unless it was about his... sister.

Jun got out of his car as fast has he could, running towards his friend. The light was coming out from the hallway of the house behind him. He could see their parent were around, noticing the car on the driveway.

"Sehun?" Jun stopped before him, demanding eyes on Sehun's slender frame. He had his phone glued to his ear, calling someone. After few seconds of waiting in silence, he put the hand with cell down, looking defeated.

"What is going on?" Jun asked, he refused to let the fear that was spreading in his body, to spill out on the open. He remained calm, waiting for Sehun's response. Sehun looked at him, but it was like he wasn't actually looking at him. His eyes were wide open, and his face was so pale. More than usually. He blinked rapidly few times, focusing his gaze at Jun at last.

"I... Jun... what are you doing here?" Sehun frowned, Jun was now more than sure, something had happened.

"We were supposed to have a playdate, you remember?" Jun reminded him.

"Oh, sorry I forgot, there is something I have to take care of first," Sehun mumbled, his expression looking drained.

"What is it?" Jun demanded an answer.

"It's Jihye...," Sehun let out reculantly. Jun had to get hold of himself, to not freak out. He stayed quiet, waiting for Sehun to tell him everything. "She ran out of the house half an hour ago, after parents told her something... hard to hear," Sehun mumbled.

"What do you mean? What did you tell her?" the panic was audible in his voice, no matter how hard he tried.

"I told you about her adoption and about her illness. We spoke to her about it, and some other things.... She knew about the adoption, but one matter shocked her to the point, she headed out. She asked us to let her leave for now, that she needs to think. But we are worried. Mom and dad are on the phone with the security team from the hospital...," Sehun's way of talking was too confusing and Jun found it hard to understand anything he said.

"Wait... why are they on the phone with the hospital. Did something happen to her?" he almost yelled at Sehun, he didn't notice Jun's outburst and only shook his head in negation.

"No. I didn't tell you one important thing and that is... Ji's mom is still alive and the reason they can't be together is because her mom is very badly mentally ill and closed up in the hospital. When we told Jihye, it looked like she knew some details about it as well, we don't know how. But it doesn't matter now, because she just took off and she left her phone and house keys behind," Sehun finished and Jun was trying to process everything he just heard from him.

He knew there is something not right with the whole situation. He didn't even have to ask, what hospital was the one Sehun talked about, he connected it all and so must had Jihye.  He couldn't not even imagine, how she must have felt at the moment she finally found out the secret behind this whole thing. The calls she was receiving, were from her mother...

He could understand why she freaked out.

The wave of another terror rose within him.

"Why didn't you tell me everything before, Sehun? You should have... she needed heads up, of course she freaked out now!" he could not help himself and yelled at Sehun out of desperation. His heart was pounding in his ears, he could not think, because all he could see in his head was Jihye being alone now, with her thoughts and broken.

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