7. Runaway

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~~~ CBX - Monday Blues ~~~

After she woke up, first thing she realised was that she felt unusually at ease.

She couldn't remember when was the last time she felt this way, after opening her eyes. There was not even one occasion most definitely. She stretched her legs slowly, hitting an obstruction under feet, causing her frown. Hmm, how strange.

She shrugged her shoulders and smiled, while letting out relaxed moan. She opened her eyes, staring on to ceiling, which was way to close to her, that startling her. She noticed that she was not even laying down, though she was not even in sitting position. It was something in between.

Her eyes travelled from the black ceiling over her head, down, seeing front window of the car in front of her and dark sky in distance. It looked like it was way after the sun set down behind the horizon, because the sky was filled with sparkling stars and full moon shinned, lighting up the world instead of sun.

She frowned, because this view was not familiar to her. She shook of the last bit of the sleepiness and focused on the sound, that made her feel so calm in the first place. It would not make sense she is hearing waves being broken down on the shore of the beach, because she did no live close enough to the sea to be hearing this music. The city she lives in was indeed a seaside city, but her parents house was too far.

Them living here, was the reason why were the parents constantly away as they were commuting all the way to Seoul. She shook her head to figure out what is going on with her. She pushed herself up to see outside of the car window to confirm few things at once.

She was on the beach and she was sitting in the car. Car that with no doubt belonged to...

She quickly glanced on the seat next to her to find it empty. The engine was off, but keys were plugged in the ignition. She stared at the driver's seat trying to figure out, how is she here and where on earth did he go off to. Did he just drove her here and left?

And if yes, why would he do that?

Her eyes left the empty seat, noticing something sliding down from her lap. She quickly caught it, before it fell on the floor. It looked like weirdly folded blanket, except it was not blanket but a jumper. Jumper that kept her legs and feet warm and snuggly.

Her heart started to beat fast, realising this might not be another of her racy dreams, she had started to have recently. She remembered him blackmailing her to get her into his car and then she... she fell asleep. Her cheeks lit up with fire as she came to conclusion she must have passed out in his car.

She groaned in embarrassment, covering her face with palms.

Oh, this is so bad... so so bad.

Then she thought of an idea. She looked outside of the window again, thinking to take a very quick leave and she didn't care this place was far from where her house is, she needed to get out before he comes back and... she didn't even want to know why he would bother to take her all the way here.

Okay, she was dying to know, but she was not going to risk anything just for the sake of her good for nothing curiosity.

She grabbed her backpack, which was laying on the back seats and took the handle to open the door of the car, stepping out as fast as she could. She was almost convinced he will turn up out of nowhere, but that didn't happen.

She started to walk away from his neatly parked car on almost empty parking lot. She kept looking around as she walked. She was fast as she was full of an energy thanks to that good nap she got.

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