15. The currains fall

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~~~ Kim Bum Soo - I love you (Uncontrollably fond OST ... yes I am still addicted to this) ~~~

The moment she crossed the threshold of the door, that was separating her normal life in darkness from the one belonging to Kim Junmyeon, all her courage was left out there in the corridor.

The panic has taken over her body... oh god, what was she thinking?

She must have lost the last bit of her sanity, that's probably it. She wanted to slap herself for acting so rashly.

She heard the door being closed by Jun, then he walked around her stiffly standing figure.  She quickly looked up, but as soon as she saw his eyes staring intensely at her, she darted her sight on the ground, her heart never stopped beating too fast.

She was about to chicken out and run away, when she heard his chuckle. That instantly making her glance back at him. His arms were folded over his chest, smug smile on his face.

"That was quick," he spoke up, the smile widening.

"What?" she would appreciate if her voice didn't shake so evidently.

"How fast all your bravery came and then disappeared," he was teasing her and she wanted to die, right here on this spot.

She murmured a cuss under her breath, daring to reward him with frown, ready to take her leave, but he suddenly made a move. He did it so fast, she was thinking he must have known her way of thinking, more than she did herself.

He grabbed her wrist, preventing her from stepping away, instead he pulled her towards him. She stumbled over her own foot and ended up crushing into his chest. She gasped for the air, as she used her other hand to push herself from his chest. But he didn't let her go.

"Jihye," he breathed out, that giving her the prompt to glance up into his face, which was only few inches away from hers.

"Do you really think, I'd let you go now that you came to me?" he told her in all seriousness, his fingers wrapped around her wrist sending tingling sensation to other parts of her body. His eyes wandered over the features of her face slowly, small smile appearing on his lips.

"Let's go to sleep, it's late and you didn't sleep at all last night," he pulled away from her, but didn't let go of her hand, taking her to his bed. At this point her heart was doing all sort of stuff in her ribcage.

"You take the bed, I will sleep on the floor. Make yourself comfortable, I will go wash up," he instructed her and then disappeared into the bathroom, that was attached to the room.

She understood what he did there.

Despite what he said just a second ago, he provided her with space to run at last. Another wave of warmness spread all over her body.

She turned around, staring at the door leading out of the room. She quickly went through all sort of weird stages, until she found herself climbing on his bed and snuggling under the cold blanket. She needed to prove herself and to him, she is not that weak on her decision making. 

As soon as she heard the door from the bathroom open, she shut her eyes closed and pretended she miraculously fell asleep. She knew it was pathetic, but she couldn't bear his eyes on her, when he realises she didn't leave, but stayed.

She listened to him as he stopped walking for a second, then he continued. She heard shuffling around, then the light was turned off and she listened to his steps, coming closer to the bed. Her heart froze in the middle of movement she sensed him standing by the bed.

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