21. The World crumbling down

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~~~ EXO - She's dreming ~~~


It was scary. How happy she was, these past few weeks.  All was quiet and peaceful. Well except her sleep, but she never hoped to fix that in her life. But whenever she opened her eyes, she was reminded about the fact, she is not alone anymore. Of course she was never alone to begin with, but this time it was way different.

Whenever she opened her eyes, she found Jun by her side. Literally. He never left her to sleep alone, even if it meant sneaking in, through the backdoor, very late at night. Or having sleepovers more often than he ever did before. He always found an excuse to get inside her room and her bed to be precise. More so, he didn't do it because he expected something from her, which made her nervous regardless. She learnt about his sincerity. He wanted to help her sleep better and it did help in a way, not entirely, but it helped. She relaxed better, knowing he was there to hold her, if anything went wrong.

She felt kind of bad that she was using him as cuddly bunny at night, but on the other hand he never complained about that, so she didn't say anything.

One little piece of her knew that she needs to savour all these moments, because the time for something to make it all go away, was approaching fast. She never could be happy for too long. She learnt that long time ago.

She just got text from Jun, that he will be hanging out with Sehun today. Mainly because Sehun was suffering from broken heart and Jun had to help him get over it. It's been a week, since her brother professed his feeling to Bora. He didn't tell anyone about, what happened between the two, after Bora dragged him away. She guessed it was too hard to talk about it. She felt sorry for her brother. And also for Bora, who sometimes became absent minded, staring into a distance.

Like for example now. She, Bora and Baek, decided to spend Saturday evening playing in the park. Which meant, sitting around deserted playground and chat.

"You are doing it again, Bora," she nudged Bora, who was looking somewhere far, her mind not being present at all. To be clear, even Bora didn't say a single word about the event of last week and when Baekhyun was about to ask her, she simply diverted the conversation, refusing to think about it whatsoever.

"I'm sorry, I'm here, I'm listening," Bora was blinking rapidly, focusing her gaze at her and Baekhyun.

"Lately spending time with you two, is pain. Bora is not here at all and you keep grinning creepily. I get it, one has a secret boytoy and the other one has not so secret loverboy, but hey I am here too. Give me some attention," Baekhyun pouted in dissatisfaction.

"He is not my boytoy!"

"He is not a loverboy!"

Both girls exclaimed, Baekhyun gaining their attention successfully. He only rolled his eyes at them and made them realise, he is only teasing them. Ever since Baekhyun found out about her and Jun, he was enjoying it way too much. On top of what happened with Sehun and Bora. He was having the time of his life.

"Baekhyun...," she whined.

"What? Let me have at least some fun. You two were so boring all those years. None of you dating or having boy trouble, let me have some fun," he was like little child, complaining like one for sure.

"Well sorry, we didn't entertain you enough all those years, your majesty," Bora snorted. Jihye widened her eyes, as well as Baekhyun. There was not one moment in her memory, where Bora would be anything but sweet and forgiving to Baekhyun's whiny ass. After Bora realised, what she just said, her expression was mirroring their own right now.

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