Chapter 1:

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Hey guy! I'm so excited to be co-writing this story with the amazing _infinity_06 I really hope you guys enjoy this story! Just so there's no confusion, my girl is Evelyn and her girl is Ashleigh. Enjoy!


Evelyn's POV:

Hoof-beats. Pounding the dirt like a firm drum beat.

It is my favorite song, a song I could listen to all day if I could...

But there was one problem...

" Evelyn Holloway! Get up! This sleeping in habit is just unacceptable! "

I groaned as I rolled over in my queen-sized bed, grabbing my phone from the nightstand beside it.

6 am

With another groan, I managed to pull myself away from the comfort of my imported silk sheets and make my way to my closet.

Walking inside with a flick of the light, I made a b-line right for my choice outfit for a Saturday morning, stark white breeches, and a grey polo shirt. In record time I was dressed, with my hair pulled back in a neat fishtail braid, my teeth brushed to the point of blinding white and my face free of any morning oils and acne.

Making my way down the long spiraling staircase, I paused just before my feet could reach the slippery, spotless hardwood floor, overhearing my parents in the kitchen.

" If I've told that girl once I've told her a thousand times, it's unprofessional to be sleeping in when she should be working on her dressage! "

I recognized my mothers' voice straight away. Sharp and straight to the point, that tone was trademarked by world-famous supermodel and business woman Chèrry Holloway.

I heard the shuffling of a newspaper before a reply echoed. " She's a teenager darling, you know how they like their sleep. It's just typical teenage laziness is what it is. Drink your tea and try not to get too worked up "

Always defusing my mother before she could explode, that was definitely my father, Franklin Holloway. A business tycoon with a hobby of breeding and selling expensive horses, there wasn't a person in the whole world that didn't know about his line of appliances, from stoves to televisions, Holloway was a household name...for the wealthy that was.

I loved my parents because...well...they were my parents. Actually, they were more like my managers. When I was younger than I was now at 16, I had made one comment on how I thought going to the Olympics for equestrian eventing would be cool, and now my parents expected me to get there. They got me sponsors, gave me the worlds best coaches and bought me horses that cost more than most peoples houses, but when it came to actually parenting...they definitely weren't going to win any awards there.

Taking a breath, I made my way into the kitchen, sitting down at the table across from my parents while our cook, Gordon, prepared my breakfast.

My father didn't put down the paper he was reading, just cleared his throat before he spoke.

" Dressage today? "

Keeping my eyes on the dark oak table I was sitting at, I felt a wave of nerves wash over me.

" ...Well, actually I was thinking I could take Hugo out for a gallop. The trails are finally dry after the rain we'd had and I think he would like it- "

My mother put down the teacup she had been drinking from, arching one of her perfectly plucked eyebrows at me.

" Oh? You were now, were you? "

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