Chapter 28:

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Ashleigh's pov

After Evelyn went off at me, I ran off to Beauty's empty stall crying pathetically. She was right. I was going to lose Beauty to Lacy either way and the life I made in Toronto. I wouldn't see Venus again, I would have to choose which parent I wanted to live with eventually AND have to start at a new school in Calgary. My phone starts ringing and I see it's an unknown number. I've been avoiding talking to my parents for about 2 weeks. At the end of the holidays I'll be flying back to Toronto to collect my things and say goodbye to Venus, then that's it. Bye bye my old life. I shake the thoughts from my head and take a big breath before answering.

"Hello, this is Ashleigh" I said in a monotone trying to not sound like I was just crying.

"Ashleigh, oh my gosh how are you? Are you okay?" The familiar voice of my sister filled my ears making my heart skip a beat.

"Alyssa?" I ask.

"Yes it's me, I'm kind of offended though, you forgetting my voice hurts dearest sister" Alyssa teases.

"Where have you been? Mum and dad are furious with you" I said wiping the tears from my face.

"Have you?" She asks making me pause.

"Yes- well I was at first but I understand, Mum and dad can be a pain sometimes" I sigh thankful to hear my sister again.

"I've been working on a little project for you with grandma you know? I heard your moving up to Calgary" Alyssa says mysteriously.

"Okay, well how's England, you haven't told me anything about it yet?! What are the horses like, is the barn your working at nice?-" I start to ramble asking questions.

"One questions at a time Ash-" Alyssa laughs.

"Firstly England was great, the horses are amazing, the barn was nice, now would you like to know about this project of mine?" Alyssa asks laughing. I pause, completely confused why she was using past tense.

"Uh yeah?" I respond, however it sounded like a question more then an answer.

"Go outside the barn" Alyssa instructs.

I frown and start walking out of Beauty's stall, not before making sure I didn't look like I was crying. Along the way I hear Eve's parents yelling at her about something. Walking out the front of the barn I see what she meant, standing there was Alyssa holding a phone to her ear. The blonde haired green eyes girl was almost identical to me but looked slightly older.

"Alyssa, what the hell?" I said jumping to hug her, almost knocking us both over in the process.

"When did you get back, I thought you were staying over there for longer?" I rant lightly punching her in the arm.

"I am silly, I'm going to one of their colleges majoring in equine science but school isn't starting for a bit so I thought a surprise visit was needed" Alyssa explains smiling.

"But this was only apart of the surprise, rumour had it that my favourite sister was going to lose her darling horse. And I thought, hmm, what to do about that problem" Alyssa starts, tapping her finger on her chin with mischief.

"Alyssa-" I start but she literally face palms me.

"I'm in the middle of an awesome sisterhood speech Ash, can't you see" she huffs dramatically making me smile, who needs friends when you have your sister?

"You've been leasing that mare for a while and if you didn't then she would probably be sold" Alyssa hints.

"Alyssa you better not have-" I start.

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