Chapter 12:

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Ashleigh's POV

"You!" I heard Kelly spit as she stormed in front of me. Willow snorts and throws her head at Kelly's voice nearly taking the lead rope from my hand. I narrow my eyes at her, what could she possibly want now?

"Me?" I repeat.

"Yes you! You aren't getting away with this" Kelly accused glaring at me, arms crossed.

"Well, by the look on your face apparently I am" I mutter rolling my eyes.

"Don't think you'll get away with turning Evelyn on us, you'll pay" she hissed.

"Excuse me? I haven't done anything!" I argue, this girl is unbelievable.

"Really, prove it" she bargains.

"I don't need to prove anything to a childish, manipulative, spoilt brat like you" I snap, finally having enough of this convocation.

Her responded was a screeching noise of frustration. It was shortly followed by her thundering footsteps as she stomped her way out of the barn. As I put Willow in her stall, Eve came over to see what had just happened. While I kept on working we concluded that we would keep a close eye on her incase she got up to no good.


That had happened a few days ago after Darla removed Kelly and Blair from my lesson. Evelyn had asked if Darla could move the girls and surprisingly, she did. It was now Friday night and the show was starting tomorrow morning. Just earlier this evening, my group was driven down to Twin-Bay Farm to walk the cross country course, and I was nervous.

"Are you excited?" I question Eve as I finish up one of Beauty's braids. Hugo fidgets making her loose hold of the almost completed braid. She's groans for the tenth time tonight, usually the gelding was very patient so he must be picking up on her worried state.

"Yes, no? I don't know for sure, I'm getting the jitters for sure. Tomorrow will be our debut for preliminary level" Eve explains wiping her hands against her breeches.

"If it makes you feel better, trust Hugo, there will be good riders there but it doesn't mean the horses are just as good. Hugo is the most seasoned horse I've seen this year, trust me" I explain hoping it would somewhat help her.

"Darla said you've already done preliminary, what was your first competition like?" Evelyn asks, glancing at me curiously.

"It was... interesting, I got all round champion in preliminary but the stress was beyond belief. My parents expected me to win otherwise they wouldn't let continue leasing the mare I had" I grimace at the thought, too bad in the end we still couldn't afford her. Not even the prize money would be enough as it all went to my parents much to my dismay. I hated them for that, if it were up to me I would get up and leave just like my sister. Technically I could but I would have no where to go except my grandmothers house in Calgary. That however was hours away from Alberta, the real place I want to be in. No one would want to hire a 16 year old student who can't work constantly and needs enough money for food and lessons.

"I understand, my parents want me to be the best, and loosing just isn't an option" Eve sighs redoing one of Hugo's braids.

"You'll do great in the competition tomorrow, just don't think about it to much or you'll screw up" I tell her truthfully.


"Welcome ladies and gentleman to the annual Twin-Bay Horse Show" an announcer says over the speaker before going on to thank competitors for their attendance.

"Look at those crazy jumps" I state nudging Eve as we walk our horses around, stretching they're legs before tacking up.

"Those are the type of jumps which make me grateful for preliminary level, imagine when we make intermediate or advanced" Evelyn says shaking her head at the thought.

"-although it would be exciting" Eve finishes giving me a sly smile. Our attention is diverted however when we see Mr and Mrs Holloway march over our way.

"I hope you'll be ready for your class Evelyn, we didn't put our work aside to watch you lose in your debut" Mr Holloway says narrowing his eyes on Hugo who wasn't near being ready.

"Your father is right, you must get moving, that horse isn't going to win by itself" Mrs Holloway states eyeing Eve's choice of clothing. Their attention wavers as if they finally noticed me for the first time.

"I expect New Moon will be in the top rankings today Miss Sutton, we wouldn't want such high pedigree horse to go to waste" Mr Holloway states, his look of criticism running over Beauty.

"He will, Ashleigh's a good rider" Eve says, standing up for me. Her statement however goes ignored as they just look down their noses at us.

"Your the best rider here Evelyn, we expect perfection today, no barbaric riding nonsense" Mrs Holloway snips. On that note, her parents rush off to speak to Darla. I make a face at Evelyn and her frown turns into a grin again.

"Talk about intense" I said, the mood already lightening.

"Tell me about it" she laughs.


"That was Ashleigh Sutton on New Moon with a solid performance, putting them in second place after dressage" the announcer states over the microphone.

"Good boy" I coo, giving Beauty a pat as we exit the arena. We were the second last pair so what ever happens, I'll either get 2nd or 3rd place in dressage. Evelyn was currently in the lead, her performance practically flawless. I could see her eyes competitively drill into the next rider entering the ring. I was unsure of who it was as I didn't get a good at the horse. Was it a Holloway rider?

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