Chapter 17:

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Evelyn's POV

I paced back and forth nervously as I gripped Hugo's reins with so my force that my knuckles turned white.

Hugo snorted as he shook his head, tugging at the reins. He was acting like a bomb, being tense and alert, but I was afraid the tiniest thing may set him off.

" Nervous much? "

I glanced up at Jake, who was mounted on Luna. He was up to tackle the difficult course right before me, so seeing him already mounted meant that Hugo and I were up very soon.

It didn't help my nerves.

Unlike Hugo, Luna was perfectly calm as Jake held her reins at the buckle, leaning back in the saddle. She was calmer than most horses about to run cross country, but she was fierce when she needed to be.

I ignored Jake as I kept pacing until Hugo roughly nudged my shoulder, bobbing his head.

" Easy boy " I cooed as I rubbed his face.

" He seems more worked up than usual...considering he almost took my hand off earlier " Jake commented.

'Maybe you deserved it' I wanted to say, but instead I shrugged. "'s the first show competing at this level for both of us so I guess we're both a bit nervous "

Jake nodded. " have a lot of pressure from your parents, not to mention the rest of the equestrian world...because of your parents... "

I nodded, wanting to bring up why he was having such a sudden change of heart but decided instead just to go along with it.

The Announcer called Jake and Luna to the starting box and Jake flashed me a smile before he shortened his reins and walked away with his gorgeous white horse.

Girls gushed as he and Luna trotted by, making me roll my eyes. Jake ignored them, he was getting into his focus zone.

I loosened my grip on Hugo's reins as I moved around him to watch Jake.

The starting bell sounded off and suddenly, Hugo was in the air, up in a rear.

I gasped as he pulled the reins straight out of my hands before taking off at a gallop.

" Hugo! "

I was chasing after him, yelling at people to get out of the way before Hugo could hurt anyone, or himself. His reins dangled dangerously close to his legs. My mind raced at what would happen if he got tangled up in them.

A few of the show officials tried to stop Hugo, but he charged them, knocking a few of them to the ground.

This was horrible!

Hugo finally slowed to a trot when he reached the barrier of the course, pacing back and forth along the fenceline.

I was out of breath by the time I slowed down from a run, but I slowly approached Hugo. " Easy's's okay... "

He put his head down and sniffed the ground like he had known he had done something wrong. I felt so bad for him because I had transmitted my nerves to him.

I gently grabbed the reins and rubbed his face. " I'm so sorry boy...this was all my fault... "

Hugo sighed as he leaned into my touch.

" Miss Holloway? " I turned to see a show official standing behind me.

" I'm so sorry for the disturbance. It won't happen again, I promise " I told him.

He nodded. " I'm sure it won't. However, a vet has requested to give your horse another check before your round. Please come with me "

I bit my lip, but nodded, reluctantly following him.

As we walked past the starting box, I saw my parents, who glared daggers at me, followed by Lacey, who smirked at me.

I kept my head down, my face burning red with embarrassment.

Where had Ashleigh been this whole time? She wasnt up until a few riders after me, but still, she was nowhere to be found.

I just hoped she was having a better time than I was right now...

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