Chapter 26:

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Ashleigh's pov

It was the third day of our three day event and also show jumping. Yesterday's cross country had been great, Eve and Navarre did amazing as well as Beauty and I. We were pretty much head to head in the competition so I knew Beauty and I had to put up a perfect ride in show jumping.

"Oh Ash, did you hear?" I sigh instantly, Kelly has been sneaking around all show and it's really been annoying me.

"What is it Kelly? I've got my jumping round soon" I huff halting Beauty. Her tall horse Don, stop directly next to us bumping into Beauty. What, is she hear to blame me for her steering mistakes again? Positive thinking Ash! Don gorgeous but he would never be as stunning as Beauty. That petty thought alone made me feel better. It was kind of true though, Don had patches around his face that were brown unlike Beauty, who was black all over except for his white star. Don's coat made him intimidating while Beauty was on the cuter lazy pony side. Oh my gosh Ash, listen to yourself, it's not Don's fault he has a crazy woman riding him. My thoughts literally make no sense, I'm literally confusing myself.

"Did you know Eve might be riding Navarre permanently? Her parents are still talking about selling Hugo and she said herself that she gets along better with Navarre" Kelly laughs.

"-who knows, maybe they'll just add him to the list of horses you exercise" Kelly says rolling her eyes.

"Why would I care? He's not my horse" I said flatly.

"Oh I just thought you really liked Eve and Hugo as a team, to bad huh?" She sighs frowning. Fake. She's just being fake.

"Why would I believe you Kelly, I know you hate me with a passion so quit beating around the bush" I snap before walking Beauty on.

"I have a recording of her even saying it, I figured you wouldn't believe me. Listen to it yourself" she calls.

"If I listen to it will you leave me the hell alone?" I ask raising a brow at the girl, she's honestly crazy, who records people's conversations?

"I swear" she says putting her hand dramatically on her heart before handing me her phone and earphones. I put one earphone in and turn up the volume, as I click play I can clearly hear Eve speaking about her and Navarre being a great team.

"So... you don't ride Hugo anymore?" I hear Kelly ask.

"Having Navarre on our team will take the load off. It's funny, we seem to get along better then Hugo and I. Hugo can have some well deserved pasture time" It was clear as day that Eve said it, I felt a pang sympathy for Hugo. It's cruel keeping an animal from doing something it loves, and everyone knows Hugo loves eventing.

"Oh okay... well good luck on the course" I hear Kelly say before the clip ends.

"So?" Kelly prompts, obviously wanting a reaction.

"So aren't you going to leave me alone now? I've listened to your little video" I huff, she rolls her eyes at this and steers Don away.

It explains a lot, her constant guilt about riding Navarre. That we would figure out she was lying straight to Tina and I's faces. It made sense now, she was going to ride Navarre anyways. Hugo 'resting' will be the end of it. Everyone at Holloway knows once an eventing horse that can't breed is being 'rested' it's just another word for 'getting sold'. The only reason Beauty didn't get sold was because they hoped his last rider would return to Holloway. Hugo has no hope of sticking around if Eve starts neglecting him.

If what I think is true then Eve is just as bad as the girls. Having no patience to get to the top, only getting there through a long list of horses, all which are sold once they're no longer if value. That's horse business for you. But maybe I was overreacting... It surely didn't sound like it, a voice in the back of my head said.

"And the runner up for the preliminary 3 day event at Pine Rivers Equestrian Park is... Evelyn Holloway on A Touch of Mystery" says the announcer.

"That leaves Ashleigh Sutton and her mount New Moon as the winners of PREP's preliminary 3 day event" I almost died when I heard my name.

"Me?" I mutter shocked, everyone who competed in preliminary was in the arena with their horses as placings were announced.

"Nice Ash" Eve says sending me a big smile, for the past day things have been tense between us. Maybe it was the competition setting but I could've sworn Eve was getting a little too over competitive. That's probably why she knocked the rail in show jumping, because she rushed Navarre.

"You too!! Good job" I tell her as I pat Beauty.

"Girls, you two move your horses closer together, I'm getting a photo" grandma said after a lady gave us our awards.

Along with a blanket which had fit Beauty perfectly, we got flowers, a ribbon, trophy and medallion. The awards had Pine Rivers Equestrian Park 3 Day Event, Preliminary Champion written over them. Eve had pretty much the same, except her awards said Reserve Champion. It was a lot to take on but Beauty didn't batter an eye at all. Grandma quickly made everything neat and shooed people out of the way.

"Smile" grandma said.

Eve and I smiled back at her with our arms over each other's shoulders. Our competitiveness was gone and we were back to being good friends. Once the photo was taken I saw Eve's parents march over. This couldn't be good.

"Good job Evelyn, we're happy to see Navarre already in winners circle" Mr Holloway says sending a smile towards his daughter.

"You too Ashleigh, brilliant job on Beauty, your turning out to be quite the team" Mrs Holloway compliments before going off to bother a judge.

"What was that..?" I ask slowly.

"It can't be good, they always act super nice to me before something bad happens. I'll have to go talk to them" Eve frowns. After some more individual and group pictures, both Eve and I do our lap of victory before she goes searching for her parents.

"I'm very proud of you Ashleigh, you've come so far in your riding and here we are now. You've won one of Pine Rivers shows, what's next? Spruce Meadows" grandma jokes.

"As if! Lets go cool down Beauty" I laugh, it's been so long since my grandma and I hung out.


"Have you called your parents lately?" grandma asks as we brush Beauty on opposite sides.

"No" I mutter.

"Maybe you should hun, we've been talking and they think its best you stay with me in Calgary for the time being" my grandma explains sighing.

"What? I'm not moving anywhere, I'm going home after summer and leasing Venus! You can't just make that decision for me" I snap throwing the brush back in the bag and storming off.

I felt tears prick my eyes as I turn the corner and storm down another isles away from people. I stop and open up a empty stall door. Heading in there I sit and hope no one would find me like this. Hearing voices approaching, I recognise it as Eve and her parents.

"But-" I hear her protest.

"We won't hear another word from you, we've had a more then decent offer on Hugo and plan on accepting it. We won't have a misbehaving horse at our stables, let alone one that barely scrapes into the winners circle" I hear Mr Holloway say, they had stopped right outside the stall I was in.

"He didn't barely scrape into the winners circle, we won our last show didn't we? Please-" Evelyn starts to reason.

"Yes you won, but it was an embarrassment to the stables, you barely got through cross country. At least with Navarre you look professional and put together, not like a beginner on an unbroken horse" Mr Hollow says, cutting Eve off.

"It's either Navarre or Hugo, you chose Navarre to compete so that's what you'll get. Hugo will be gone by the end of summer, no ifs, buts or whats" Mrs Holloway announces.

"Can't we-" Eve starts again but is cut off by Mr Holloway, as usual.

"We don't want to hear it Evelyn, now get those horses ready then go to the car" Mr Holloway says raising his voice.

"Yes dad" she mumbles.

I hear everyone's footsteps fade away just like Eve's hope in keeping Hugo. She'll fight to keep him... right?

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