Chapter 42:

600 29 4

Ashleigh's pov

Fifteen jumps and 70 second time limit. Staying in that time limit and not knocking any rails will potentially secure either mine or Eve's spot as winner of Spruce Meadows. To say I was excited would be a lie, underneath I was a nervous wreck. While I maintained a cool demeanour for the girls, one decision still weighed heavily on my mind. If Eve doesn't win this competition then she'll loose Hugo. But if I go in that ring with Beauty and hold him back then it will be noticeable. I only worry because Beauty has really been on the ball with his show jumping lately. So good that he may even surpass what ever time Eve sets.

"Next in the ring for the preliminary jump off we have Evelyn Holloway on her mount King of Holloway" the announcer says grabbing our attention.

"That's me" Eve laughs.

"Yeah" my stressed response must've caught her attention.

"Ash?" She asks when she seems to realise the look on my face.

"You should probably get going before you miss your round" I said frowning.

"If your worried about the Hugo situation then don't. Don't toss your place in the competition for me, what ever happen, happens. We'll work it out okay" Eve says reassuringly.

"Are you sure? If you loose Hugo because of me then I'll feel like crap. You know how Beauty's been lately in the jumping ring" I said grimacing.

"Have some faith Ash, I promise Hugo and I will try to knock your horses jumping ego down"  Eve smirks. Beauty's head shoots up as if he understood what she was saying. We both laugh at him getting some weird looks from other riders.

"Good, now go before your eliminated!!" I said shoving her lightly.

"Okay okay" she says rolling her eyes and turning Hugo in the direction of the ring.

"Good luck!" I call to her before riding closer to the tv screen they had in the warm up ring.

I see her go into the big arena at an energetic canter. There were hundreds of people filling up the stands ready to watch the jump off both Eve and I were apart of. Fifteen jumps and 70 second time frame, she can do it. We both had clean rounds before so she should be safe picking up the speed. The next minute I lean forward in the saddle watching the tv with seriousness. I held my breath as the second last jump, a triple rail, had rattled violently as Hugo went over it. Luckily it doesn't fall. Eve and Hugo fly over the 1.15 vertical effortlessly finishing their round with no faults.

"That was our second rider Evelyn Holloway on King of Holloway with the time 58.23 seconds and no faults!" The announcer says clearly impressed.

"-ladies and gentlemen this years jump off is going to be a very close, next in the ring we have..." the announcer says

"Ashleigh Sutton on New Moon" he continues.

Oh crap. I knew there was four people in the jump off but I figured I would be last and have more time to mentally prepare myself. Nervously I ride Beauty towards the arena. On the way in I pass a beaming Evelyn, she wishes me good luck before continuing on her way. This was it, I've got this, it's a piece of cake, easy peasy. I take a deep breath and remember the new course they set up for us. Straight up I had a 1.15m vertical, the highest our jumps could be set in prelim show jumping.

"We've got this boy, try not to let my nerves distract you" I mutter patting Beauty on the neck.

Aiming him for the first jump everything slowly falls into place. Beauty surges over the vertical with ease and bounds towards our next jump. The 1.05m triple bar was something I rode faster towards. Since it was a low but wider set jump Beauty was the kind of horse which needed speed to clear it. Four big strides later with fly over it before I circle him tightly to approach a two jump combination. The two oxers were both 1.10m, and I planned on doing two shorter strides in between. That way Beauty wouldn't charge through the jump, instead taking his time to go over it. After the two jumps and another turn later we head towards jump number 5. It was a 1.10m red and white foam wall jump which I slowed Beauty down for. This was most likely the easiest jumps to knock down because the foam 'bricks' were so light. As Beauty clears it I don't glance back to see if it stayed up. I was always paranoid that if I did such a thing I might stuff up my next jumps distances. Beauty approaches another 1.05m triple bar, I hated those jumps with a passion. My faith in Beauty was strong but even the best horses can easily start knocking them at over at meter. Jump 7 was another 1.15m vertical and shortly after that was a water jump. I have Beauty immediately pick up his pace before the water jump so he doesn't get penalised. If his foot hits the water or its marked line then it's equivalent to knocking a rail. I was certain he cleared it and powered on.

A few jumps later we were about to go over our 13th jump. That's when I saw an opportunity. After completing jump fourteen I knew all the riders, include myself planned on going the wide way around jump one. But now that I'm out here I've changed my mind with split second thinking.

If I can manage to get my angle right on approach we could squeeze between jumps 14 and 1 instead of jumps 1 and 2. That would save me about 3-4 seconds. As we clear the thirteenth jump and head for the fourteenth I decide to take the risk. Due to me going slower for certain jumps so Beauty could make the distance, we needed to cut some time out for a better score.

For what seems like the hundredth time today I held my breath as Beauty also rattles the same triple bar jump Eve and Hugo did. I don't even listen out for a thud as I do a quick half halt and a tight left turn on Beauty. The gelding made the turn feel so effortless that I didn't even know what I worried about. It seemed the crowd to had grown quiet, wanting to know if the risk payed off. Three quick strides later and we're flying over the 15th and final jump, a 1.15m oxer. As we canter away from our complete round I felt numb, not even noticing the crowd applauding for a few moments.

"Wow, that was an incredible ride from Ashleigh Sutton and New Moon, the results showing they've successfully set the newest score to beat. With 51.09 seconds and no faults!" The announcer says louder over the speakers.

It felt as though reality was finally hitting me. Where I was, who I was with, the stables I was representing and what an incredible horse I was riding. It was exhilarating. I would've enjoyed it a whole lot more if the thought of Eve and Hugo's problem hadn't been on my mind. Due to me overtaking her position as leader in show jumping, I now have stopped her from having the chance at winning the Spruce Meadows prelim competition.

I try to push the disappointed aside and enjoy the moment, but the feeling kept lurking in the back of my mind. I try to keep a positive and cool look on my face, maybe the last rider which was riding next would beat my score. Then it won't be entirely my fault. Through my mixed emotions a small smile made its way on to my face. How I got this opportunity to ride such a great horse astounds me to this day.

"Good boy!!" I keep repeating, praising Beauty's effort all the way back to the warm up ring. Even though the situation was hard I was still so proud of him. How far we've come this summer has been incredible.

I go back to meet Eve who was still sitting on Hugo in the warm up ring. A sick feeling hit my stomach, will she be mad at me despite what she said? I don't want to end my holidays on a bad note with my new friend. But the sad look on her face made me feel even more guilty. Eve and Hugo's story won't end like this, right?

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