Chapter 43:

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Evelyn's POV:

" That was a nice showing you did on my horse! " Kelly smirked as she approached Ash and I.

I glared at her as Hugo nudged my shoulder. " He's not yours Kelly! "

" He belongs with Eve! " Ash defended us. " So just back off! "

Kelly laughed and I saw her parents approaching behind her, with my parents not too far behind them.

I felt a knot form in my stomach. I guess this was really it. Hugo and I had tried our hardest and even though we snagged reserve champion with one point behind Ash, it still wasn't first, like I had promised my parents.

" My parents are paying good money for this horse and are signing the papers as we speak " Kelly seemed to gloat as she held out her hand towards me. " Now pass me the reins of my horse... "

" Actually sweetie... " Her dad placed a hand on her shoulder. " There's been a change of plans... "

Kelly froze and I felt a flicker of hope ignite inside me.

" We're going to Europe to find you the best horse money can buy! " Kelly's mom added.

Kelly shook her head. " It doesn't matter! I also want this one! " she spoke like a spoiled child.

Her dad sighed. " Unfortunately the Holloway's have changed their minds about the sale... "

Kelly turned around so quickly I got dizzy just looking at her.

" They can't do that! " She whined.

Mom stepped forward. " Your parents did not sign the ownership papers... " she held up a folder. " That means that the sale did not finalize... " I blinked in awe as mom handed the folder to me. " And if you read the papers...they say that Evelyn is King of....Is Hugo's owner...not Holloway only she will decide if she sells him... "

I felt my mouth drop open in shock as Ash and I quickly opened the folder and looked down at the ownership papers. Sure enough, my name was under the word 'Owner'.

I smiled as my mom snuck a wink at me.

Dad stepped forward. " Darla informed us of your behaviour this summer and how it influenced our daughter " he looked down at Kelly. " You are no longer welcome at Holloway Stables. Our vet will be checking on The Godfather " he referred to Don. " And if we find anything wrong with his condition, you will be getting a call from or lawyers... "

Kelly stormed off with a childish shriek, leaving her parents to apologize and chase after her.

Mom and dad smiled at me once they were gone. " We're so proud of you Evelyn! "

I rushed forward and hugged them, Hugo sticking his face in between us to join in, making us all laugh. Mom didn't even mind it when Hugo rubbed against her.

" Thank you! " I sniffled, feeling myself start to cry. I felt Ash hug me as she walked forward.

" You and Hugo deserve each other! " She spoke. " Congratulations! "

I laughed, happy tears falling from my eyes. This felt like a dream, but it wasn't, which made it all the more better.

" And congratulations to you Ashleigh " Dad spoke up. " You've made an impression on everyone at the stables and represented Holloway well "

Ash blushed. " T-Thank you sir! "

Mom stepped forward. " We have a...proposition for you... "

I raised a brow as I looked at Ash, who also seemed confused.

" Due to your excellent performance this summer...and with some information your grandmother provided to us...we would like to offer you a live in residence at our home for the school year "

Ash audibly gasped and I smiled.

" You would attend the same private school as Evelyn and continue to train our horses with her throughout the year and Baird your horse Venus t our stables...all expenses will be paid of course... "

" I...I don't know what to say... " Ash replied.

" There is one more thing " Dad continued for mom. " We would like to offer you a free lease of New Moon for the year... "

The shocked look on Ash's face turned to disbelief. " That...I...You... " she was tongue tied, making me giggle.

" New Moon has preformed well under your training and skills, we believe it is in his best interest to continue to work with the rider he has grown so attached to "

Beauty nudged Ash's back gently.

" So, what do you say Ashleigh? " Mom asked.

I bit my lip. I wanted nothing more than for Ash to say yes, but at the same time, it would be a lot to take in, especially with all that her parents are going through. Ultimately it was up to Ash, I couldn't push her to do it, even though I really wanted to.

I saw Nirvana Sutton approach us and Ash looked between her and my parents.

" ...May I talk with my grandma about it please? " She asked.

" Of course dear! Go right ahead! " Mom spoke as she and dad moved aside, allowing her to run over to her grandma with Beauty trotting behind her.

I hugged my parents tightly as we watched them talk.

I was anxious to hear the final decision, on the edge of my seat.

If Ash said yes, than this would have officially been the best summer of my life.

I had made new friends

I now had a super sweet boyfriend

I had welcomed a new horse, a new partner, into my riding life and career

And I got to keep my heart horse officially mine

Ash staying with me for the year would be the icing on top of a delicious victory cake!

I just hoped she'd say yes...

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