Chapter 39:

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Evelyn's POV:

" Eve! " Ash whined. " Turn off the light and get to sleep already!"

I giggled as I turned off the bedside lamp near my bed and grabbed my phone. After riding, my parents had surprised us all with reservations at a restaurant that overlooked the entire Spruce Meadows property. Kelly had declined, saying that she already had dinner plans with her parents, but Tina, Blair, Ash, Darla and I had enjoyed eating great food with an even greater view. Once we were all stuffed, we returned to the barn to check on the horses before going back to the hotel.

It was nearly 11 at night and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't fall asleep. Not from nerves, just from adrenaline still coursing through my veins after an intense day of cross-country. 

Hugo had been a star during our round and we managed a solid second place after Ash and Beauty, which meant we were now tied for first place.

Tomorrow would determine the champion.

Jake was in third after the current 3rd place rider had fallen during the course and the fourth place rider had gained several penalties for time and refusals.

Blair was in sixth and Tina was holding up in tenth.

" I'm not upset about it " Tina had assured us. " I'm more about the experience than winning and this show has been Surfer's best! "

Blair hadn't seemed upset either, her good round with Apollo, earning only a few time penalties and made her happy enough. " I'm just so impressed that after our horrible warm-up, we didn't have any refusals! "

I tossed and turned in bed, trying my best not to make too much noise as I could tell Ash was fast asleep.

I scrolled through my social media one by one, stopping once at my Instagram profile. I started to see a break between posts from this summer and the summer before.

'Another ribbon claimed by #KingofHolloway! Champion here we come!' With a picture of Hugo with a red ribbon pinned to his bridle

'@RealJakeMarkety thinks he has something against my time! LOL' With a picture of a stopwatch with Hugo and my's best cross time last summer

'New day, new training regimen #traintowin!' with a picture of a new training schedule Darla had given me for the summer

'Last show! Pretty boy is ready to take home the red ribbon! #KingofHolloway' With a picture of me leading Hugo out of the trailer for our last show

Those were just a few posts from the previous summer. It was almost cringe-worthy looking back at them compared to the ones from this summer.

'Coach sent us on a scavenger hunt :P but we found something better ;3' With a picture of Tina, Ash and I in front of the old barn we had jumped through.

'New member of the family! #TouchofMystery' With a picture of me with Hugo and Navarre, who were touching noses with their ears perked up at each other.

'Beach time is the best training! #TrainingHardTBH' With a video of Hugo and I during our fail at the beach, making me giggle.

'Friends make the best competitors #FriendsBeforeCompetition'  With a group photo of Ash, Tina, Blair, Jake and I the day before the show.

I sighed as a smile grew on my face. I was happy with the way I had changed this summer. My parents and I were finally on good terms and my competitive flare only appeared when absolutely needed, not when another rider walked in front of my path.

I had great friends, amazing horses, and now-understanding parents. My life seemed to really be turning around a whole 360 degrees.

And I loved it

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