Chapter 24:

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Ashleigh's pov

"Welcome to wonderful Calgary ladies" Darla announces making a weird motion with her hand. The girls and I giggle at her weird attempt to sound perky. Tina and I were a little surprised Eve was taking Navarre with us, since it's his first month living in Canada I suspected she might let him settle in. She almost looked guilty when she came out about the Navarre situation which made me curious. It's only show exposure, it's not like she's ditched Hugo and started to ride Navarre at shows instead.

All the horse trailers had 6 stalls in each so I had originally wondered why Hugo and Navarre weren't aloud to be with our horses. My questions however were answered shortly after when I heard Navarre starting to get restless in the trailer. Not only that but once again Mr and Mrs Holloway insisted on coming to the show much to our surprise. Everyone split into groups of three except Eve, she had to drive to Calgary in her parents car. Groups 1-3 went in the trailers while group four, consisting of Tina, Penny and I went with Darla in her car.

The drive had been quite fun and I was happy to be in Calgary again. After my dressage test I planned on meeting my grandma. She may even see me perform, it's been ages since she's watched me riding. The last time was before she sold Venus to our family friends. And yes, Venus use to belong to my grandma as she came from one of her mares. However due to the fact I lived in Toronto but didn't have money for her upkeep, she ended up selling her to a family friend near my parents place. It was pure luck that they were happy for me to lease her. They haven't really had much use for her lately hence why I competed a lot. The mare always had to be exercised daily but my grandma never had the time, so I didn't blamed her for selling. I shake my thoughts away quickly and take in my surroundings.

Upon entering the black iron wrought gates with the name Pine Rivers Equestrian Park displayed on it, a feeling of excitement hit me. I loved PREP, it was such a classy and beautiful equestrian park, one of my favourites. This was where they held the under 18's national show jumping tournament last year. I had been lucky enough to have been chosen as a representative for my state riding Venus of course. The mare knew how to jump and we came out with 3rd place and a lot of prize money, it was one of the best feelings. What was even better was I got away with keeping my prize money, telling my parents I flunked the show. All so I could buy some new things for Venus and to extend the lease. If my parents found out even today, they would give me a speech about how I needed the money put aside for college. Ugh college, just another thing that would limit my riding time.

As the trailers pulled into there parking spaces and students got out, I made a b line to the trailer door. I was wanting to get Beauty out asap.


"Next we have Ashleigh Sutton riding New Moon for Holloway Stables" the speakers announce as I nervously pick up the reins resting on Beauty's neck. Out of all the Holloway riders today, we were one of the last to compete yet again. It was around 5pm and the hot day was beginning to cool down, making it the perfect temperature for Beauty and I to ride in.

Upon entering the arena, Beauty performs a perfect square halt and stays in frame. I acknowledge the judges before taking off at a extended trot and merging left. From our extensions to flying lead changes, and even our halts, I knew Beauty and I had a good score. We both had taken so much time over the past two weeks to perfect the test. And finally all the hard work paid off. Finding ourselves again at X minutes later I acknowledge the judges for the last time. The test finally concluded and I release the reins and give Beauty lots of pats on the way out of the arena.

"That was wonderful ride from Ashleigh Sutton and her mount New moon" I smile at the comment and listen in on who is next.

"Next we have Evelyn Holloway riding her new horse, A Touch of Mystery" the announces states sounding excited. I frown autonomously, wasn't that Navarre. Wasn't he here just for experience. Yeah riding experience a voice in the back of my head snickers. I sigh and shake my head, well that's her decision, it won't be my fault if they flunk the test. On my way out Eve passes me and her head is down in guilt, the nicer side of me begins to feel guilty too.

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