Chapter 9:

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Evelyn's POV:

To say that I was upset was an understatement. I was downright furious.

After our meeting disbanded, I walked straight over to Darla, skipping formalities and apologies, I had done enough of that yesterday when she had caught us about to do the jump course.

" Darla, why do I have to do this? " I asked without hesitation. " I should be training on dressage, or show-jumping or even cross-country. Why are you dragging me into this stupid little scavenger hunt? "

Darla crossed her arms as she looked down at me. Normally her 6-foot frame would intimidate me, but today I was too furious to care.

" I think after your little stunt yesterday you owe it to Hugo. Noth of you could've been seriously hurt, then what do you think would've happened Evelyn? You know how your parents would've reacted... "

I shut my mouth, knowing she was right. If Hugo or I had been hurt, my parents would've been even more furious than I felt right now. Not because their daughter and her horse/best friend had been hurt, but because I wouldn't have been able to compete in the summer, thus ruining my chances to be noticed by scouts or picked up by teams for international competition.

I sighed in defeat. " Okay okay...but... " I lowered my voice. " Do I have to be with them? " I nodded towards Ashleigh and Tina, who were chatting in the corner of the skybox. " You couldn't put me with Kelly? Even Blair? "

Darla nodded. " No Evelyn, I think it's best that you stay away from those girls for a bit " she replied. " I think they're a bad influence on you "

I rolled my eyes. " They are not! " I replied. " Kelly's the only real friends I've made since everyone got here... " I looked down as I talked. Kelly, Blair and I had agreed to have me take the fall for the jumping yesterday since I was the least likely person that Darla would tear to shreds. I didn't really want to take the fall, but I also didn't want to risk my new found friendship with the girls, so I had convinced Darla that the whole plan had been my idea. After Darla had finished chewing us out, the girls had invited me back to Kelly's cabin to hang out, since we weren't allowed to ride for the rest of the day.

For the first hour, it was generally nice conversations with one another, talking about our home lives. I was interested in hearing Blair and Kelly talk more about themselves, but in the end, I did most of the talking.

That was when Ashleigh had walked in.

She had managed to ditch out on the jumping before Darla had caught us. Kelly and Blair thought she was the one who had told Darla on us, not listening when Ashleigh had tried to explain that it was Zara, not her.

To be honest, Ashleigh was probably the smartest of all of us. She had put her horse before her own rivalry with Kelly, something I wish I had had the courage to do.

But if I tried to defend Ashleigh, then Kelly and Blair may have turned on me as well, so I kept quiet while they mercilessly called Ashleigh out and taunted her until she eventually had to leave the cabin. After that, the guilt started making my stomach hurt, so I told the girls I had to go.

They didn't question me, or even really say anything, chatting together as I got up and left.

Instead of going straight back to the house, I made a turn towards the mare and foal paddocks. My favourite broodmare in the whole barn, Poppy, short for her show name Mary Poppins, was standing guard over her only a few days old foal. The stunning black mare had produced a cute little almost white colt, who I was sure would darken in colour over time, as both his dam and sire were black.

I whistled gently, watching as the wobbly-legged colt trotted behind Poppy as she made her way over to me.

Climbing over the paddock fence, I started to pet Poppys muscular neck, letting the colt get used to me before making his way over. I giggled as he sniffed my beige breeches and nibbled at my paddock boots, even though he didn't have teeth yet.

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