Chapter 30:

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Ashleigh's pov

"I don't know where she could've gone, the trail she took leads here but after that it goes onto a different property" I tell the girls frowning.

We had been riding for over an hour and the storm seems to come and go, not really leaving us at all. At one point the downpour of rain was so bad it blinded us. Luckily I hadn't bought those cheap torches that only see about 5 metres in front of you. My ones were high beam so we were able to see far ahead of us.

"Maybe she just kept following it onto a different property... it wouldn't surprise me since she seemed so upset" Blair suggests as she shines her own torch over the fence. The gate which lead into that area was shut with the sign private property so we couldn't legally go any further without permission.

"I think we should radio the barn and let them know, maybe Mr or Mrs Holloway can get approval for us to go through?" Alyssa suggests pulling up next to me on Florence.

"That's going to take for ever, but I guess your right" I sigh before picking up one of the radios Blair had bought with her. There was one for everyone with trackers on it, Darla had asked Blair to give us one each incase we to got lost or found Evelyn. Along with that she bought food, water and back up necessities. In Hugo's saddle bag there was a first aid kit along with Evelyn's waterproof jacket which she'll definitely want in this weather. Alyssa and I had some other things like food, water, more touches and batteries in our saddle bags while all the horses had there rain coats draped over them so they wouldn't get cold. Canadian weather can be harsh and I knew the Holloways would kill us if we came back with a sick horse.

I sigh, it's going to be a long night.


It was almost 2am. We had been riding for hours now and there was no site of Evelyn. At some point I felt like we were getting closer to finding her then we came to a dead end. Since we were now on some else's property we had to have the properties owner, Jackie escort us through the woods. Otherwise we'll be as lost as Evelyn. Speaking of which, didn't she even have her phone on her? I glance over at Hugo again and feel bad for the gelding, I think he would much rather be in the warmth of a stall. I then eye the lady wearily, Jackie had brung a gun along with her attached to her horse confirming our worries, bears were around.

"Whoa buddy, what's wrong hm? You haven't played up at all night" I question Hugo quietly as he begins to pace on the spot and shudder. He comes to a halt refusing to move, head high up in the air before backing away. A tree swayed back and forth in the cold blinding breeze before thunder cracks above us. His ears goes back flat against his head and nearly pulls me out of the saddle. I couldn't blame him, it's like the trees where trying to grab us.

"What's wrong with him?" Blair asks turning around Apollo, he to was starting to have enough of the stormy weather.

"He's freaking out about the tress I think" I said backing up Beauty to where Hugo was. After I said that Hugo let's out a loud neigh making my ears ring. It was still raining but it felt like the noise he made could travel for miles.

"Maybe you girls should head back home, I'll keep on searching" Jackie says.

The girls and I start to say no when we heard the faint sound of a scream followed by a low pitched but loud roaring noise. It can't be a-

"And that was a bear, can you girls go home? The trail will lead you back" Jackie instructs before taking off on her horse.

The girls and I look at one another knowingly. We may not want to mess with a bear but we aren't leaving either. There was literally a whole awkward minute of silence.

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