Chapter 40:

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Ashleigh's pov

I groan and roll over on the bed putting my face in my pillow. Ugh, shows are so tiring. Slowly I pull myself out of bed and glance over to where Eve was sleeping. I rub my eyes tiredly and look again when I realise she wasn't there. Well then... Did a person come in and kill her without me knowing? Her body better not be in the closet I thought to myself jokingly.

The clock read 5am as I blindly stumbled out of bed and walk into the bathroom to wash my face. Everyone would be leaving at 8am to go to the show grounds. I however planned to catch up with my grandma since we were in Calgary again. We would've caught up in the previous days but she was to busy judging and assisting as a Spruce Meadows staff member. That's Nirvana Sutton for you, always the helping hand in crisis' like horse shows.

Glancing out the hotel window I notice the city seemed to be getting more busy. A white note catches my eye. It had been written by Eve who had left early this morning to go to the barn. At least she's wasn't dead my subconscious thought. She wasn't the only one who had plans on heading out early. Grandma and I were meeting at a cafe overlooking the show grounds. It was kind of like the restaurant I went to last night with everyone, except more casual obviously.

Quietly I pack my show clothes for show jumping into a bag. Afterwards I change into more 'acceptable' pre-show outfit, my grandma always scolding me if I didn't. She's always on about scouts, public imaging and professionalism. After a moment of pondering I decide to put on a black sleeveless show shirt, fawn breeches, belt and my favourite tall boots. I decide to plait my hair and grab my army green jacket as I'm about to leave. It was mainly for later when I'm wearing my show clothes. Since Beauty had black fur it would be very evident on my white show shirt. And let's not forget that slobber isn't exactly the best of looks in the arena. Before walking out the door I place a note out telling them I went down to Spruce Meadows early just like Eve. Catching a cab, I made my way over excitedly to the show grounds.


"It was good seeing you again grandma" I said as I pull away from her hug.

"Now remember, when you get to Toronto try not give your parents any grief, it's killing them to have to send you over to me. Also make sure Venus has been lunged before I get there with the trailer okay? And make sure all your stuff is neatly packed away. I'm not having suit cases break open all of a sudden and send clothes everywhere" grandma says crossing her arms strictly.

"I got it all sorted, don't worry" I laugh.

"Okay, I should be there to see you ride today but not before your class so good luck" grandma says hugging me again.

"Okay I seriously have to go, we'll talk later" I said before bidding my goodbyes with her. My flight was Tuesday and it was starting to make me sad. I was going to miss Holloway Stables for sure. Even though I would only be 4 hours away now, it was still 4 hours away. Maybe I could convince grandma to take me out there on a weekend and stay until Sunday? It's not like they're lacking in rooms. Not to mention it's killing me having to leave Beauty until the next holidays. Maybe once I have my licence I can drive over their more often.

The barn was still quiet much to my surprise, it was around 6.45am so riders should be arriving in the next hour or two. Popping my head over, I check on Florence and Beauty. The mare had rolled last night but it deter me from quickly brushing and tacking up. I wanted to take her for a canter around the arena so she had didn't feel pent up in her stall. By the time it was 7:30 I head back, I knew the workout was short but it had consisted of her working at high intensity.


As I am about to untack Florence I hear the footsteps of people and horses, was it Sabrina again? I place Florence's bridle down and glance out of the wash bay to see Jake and Eve walking down the isle. Both were too deep in their convocation to notice me. Interested I glance over at them every now and again as they stop and face each other. I nearly choke when Jake kisses Eve and since I'm childish I couldn't help but scrunch up my nose in disgust. Ew, they need to keep it to themselves in a private place. Acting as though I didn't see anything, I pick up Florence's hoof quickly and pretend to be examining it.

"Ash, uh hey" I hear Eve say as they stop in front of Florence.

"Oh hey, sorry! I didn't realise you were there, I was just a bit busy looking at Florence's hoof. Does this look normal to you?" I ask pointing at a random area of her sole. Gosh I was smooth with acting. Maybe I should take it up as a career, it's less stressful then eventing.

"Yeah? Why's that? Is she walking funny on it or something?" Eve asks her face turns into an expression of confusion.

"No, it must be me imagining things. It's definitely the hair" I laugh referring to my blonde locks. Okay, who even says that Ash!! Pull it together.

"Okay....? Are you alright?" Eve asks still looking confused. She's onto me! Play it off, be sarcastic!

"Are YOU alright? What's with the grass stains? Did both your horses decide they didn't want to third wheel anymore?" I ask raising my eyebrows sassily. Jake coughs awkwardly and I could catch a blush coming onto both their faces. The next remark was the best though.

"Or were you already to preoccupied to notice that? If you know what I mean" I smirk, Eve's blush was getting darker by the minutes. Jake to looked to be in the most difficult situation in his life. Then I play it down.

"Awe you guys!! I was just joking, but seriously! What's with the grass stains?" I said looking at them weirdly.

"The horses spooked while we were out and it took us off guard" Eve says, the flushed look on her face slowly disappearing.

"So you were preoccupied" I snicker.

"I'm going to untack Titan, I'll see you guys later" Jake says before leaving in a haste, probably wants to avoid anymore teasing.

"Ashleigh!!! Oh my god!!" Eve says punching me in the arm. My poker face slowly turns into a grin. Two and two clicked together in Eve's head before she groans in embarrassment.

"Well I had to somehow get my bestie alone? What kind of friend would I be not to? Now spill woman" I command half heartedly. A wide smile appears on her face before she does a mini squeal. So that's what she was holding in I thought to myself amusedly.

"I don't even know where to start!!" She says excitedly.

"From the beginning perhaps" I said rolling my eyes.

"Right! That!" She says clasping her hands together.

This should be good.

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