Chapter 18:

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Ashleigh's POV

"Where are you?" I hear Evelyn ask over the phone, a worried tone clearly evident.

"Just getting Beauty ready, are you okay? Aren't you suppose to be on the course in the next few minutes?" I question, extremely confused.

She already seemed stressed enough, I wasn't going to bring up the fact that Lacey had been lurking around Hugo earlier. I planned on letting her know later instead. Officials actually had to kick her out of the barn because she wasn't with one of the riders or owners. Rules clearly state that spectators must be with a rider or the owners to be allowed in the barn as precaution. This rule was in place so there's no cases a sabotage.

"Hugo is playing up really badly and now the vet is checking him before our run. I'll barely have any time to continue our warm up with him acting out" Evelyn complains.

"Well I've almost finished putting Beauty's gear on so I can come out early? It might help having a quiet horse around Hugo, it could calm him down" I suggest while giving Beauty a pat on the shoulder.

Beauty already had all his gear on except the bridle, once that was put on I was planning on heading out to warm him up. I could hear a pause on the other end of someone speaking to Evelyn. Perhaps it was the vet? I wasn't to sure but I hear a big exhale before Evelyn speaks again.

"I guess so, the vet says Hugo is good to go. He's just getting wound up and spooky from all the commotion" Evelyn says sounding unsure.


"Hey Hugo, you're alright buddy" I coo as I walk Beauty next to him. The grey horse was foaming at the mouth and around his breastplate, staying right next to Beauty. The minute Beauty was further then a meter away from him, he would get riled up again. So for the past couple minutes I pretty much ponied Hugo around so he was warmed up.

Once it was their turn, I could easily say that Evelyn had the hardest time getting to the start box. Constant kicking out and Hugo sea soaring on the reins was definitely not a good site. I could see Evelyn's parents nearby with Lesley and they didn't look one bit happy about the horses appearance.

As I see them take off at a canter Hugo gives a pigroot, then as they reach the first jump he starts to linger away. Evelyn catches on to his intentions and immediately encourages the gelding forward so he wouldn't run out. I wasn't up until Jake and Adam had left but I wanted to pop Beauty over some practice jumps. Once Evelyn disappears I steer him to the warm up area and do just that. When I'm happy enough with his performance I take him around at an active walk still waiting to catch a glimpse of how Evelyn was doing.

I would see her occasionally and to say Hugo was all over the place was an understatement. Something was definitely bugging him and it couldn't just be Evelyn's nerves, she was riding really well and calmly. As much as I wanted to blame Lacey, I knew she had nothing to do with it either. I was in the stables all day, except for when I got lunch and Evelyn stayed behind, so I knew she hadn't pulled some crazy stunt. One minute he looked calm and the next he would act up again, it was only towards the last few jumps he calmed down. We wouldn't know our placings until the last person had ridden and they tallied all the points up. There was no way to know how Evelyn had gone.

Just as Evelyn finished, both Jake and Adam were on the course far enough away for me to start. In the start box I could feel Beauty ready to go, bundled up and waiting for cues. As the person tells me to go I take off at a faster paced canter. Since Beauty wasn't a big horse he would have to step up the pace to have a chance of getting a good time. The first jump was fast approaching and as we propelled over it I feel shear joy. The one thing Beauty and I excelled in quite well was cross country, that's what made us a great team. Jumps disappeared behind us one by one, and as we reached a water jump, Beauty practically dived into it giving out a playful buck.

When I glanced down at my watch which had our time I noticed we were going through the course a little too quickly so I slowed a pace a notch. At one point in the course we ran through a narrow track where all that surrounded us were trees. The brush jump was rather simple but the tighter spaces could make some horses hesitant. Beauty was not fazed one bit and soared over it boldly.

As Beauty and I raced for the last fence, which we once again sailed over it with ease. By now I could feel that Beauty was tired and sweaty. There was no doubt he was going to get a good hose down this afternoon followed by pampering. I knew we did very well and if my stop watch isn't lying, we had a really good time.

I expected Evelyn to be walking Hugo around cooling him out but instead I don't see her anywhere. Where did she go? At last, I spot Tina rush over to me with a big smile on her face. She had finished up competing earlier today and was leading Hugo around.

"That was great Ash!" she cheers, I was glad that she was here. Otherwise I wouldn't have had anyone to talk to about the amazing run we just had. I had a bad feeling that there was more to Evelyn's disappearance. Was she in trouble with her parents? I couldn't see them anywhere. And why did Tina have to cool him out, I've never seen Eve have anyone take care of her horse.

It was a shame that she didn't see that smirk get wiped clean off of Lacey's face. We had a killer run and she knew it would put us in the ribbons. My first priority however was Beauty, gossip would have to wait until later when we're back at Holloway.

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