Chapter 21:

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Evelyn's POV:

" Evelyn! Where have you been? "

I turned and hopped off the paddock fence where I had been watching Hugo munching away on grass. Our ride with Jake and Luna had been amazing and exactly what I had needed, to get away from all the stress at home and just enjoy riding my horse. Sadly we had to ride back eventually and I had been trying to sneak around the barn to avoid my parents, who seemed to be looking for me around every corner, at least according to Ash.

I smiled as I stared up at my mother. " I'm sorry mother, I didn't realize you had been looking for me "

Lying to my parents had become almost like a second nature to me growing up. When your parents were Chèrry and Franklin Holloway, lying was the only way you could make it through the day without a lecture.

My mom grabbed my hand and dragged me away from Hugo's paddock. I looked back when I heard Hugo nicker and watched as he paced back and forth along the fenceline, pricking his ears in my direction.

'Sorry' I mouthed.

Mother led me through the barn, where we passed by Ashleigh and Tina, who were giggling together beside Surfer and Florence. 

" Miss Sutton, please tack up Florence and bring her to the outdoor arena " Mother barked her orders at Ashleigh, looking at her and Tina with a disapproving glance, probably over their giggle fit they had.

She let go of my hand and swiftly turned to look at me. " Go get on the boots your father and I bought for you and then come to the outdoor arena. Your father and I have a surprise for you " she smiled proudly before quickly exiting the barn. I swear if horses weren't such a moneymaker for our family, she wouldn't be spending any time with them.

I sighed as I made my way to the tack room with Ashleigh following close behind.

" was your riding date? " She teased as she made kissy faces at me.

I rolled my eyes as I shoved her playfully. " It wasn't a date! " I replied. " We just went for a ride! "

" Did I hear that right? " Tina spoke up as she poked her head through the door. " Our little Evelyn went on a date with gorgeous Jake? " she pretended to wipe a tear from her face. " They grow up so fast! "

Ashleigh giggled as she joined in. " It makes a parent so proud when their kid finds...the one! "

I laughed. " You two are crazy! " I retorted as I unlocked my tack locker, reaching down and uncovering the golden tall boots my parents had bought me, not out of the heart of it, but to use them to show off just how wealthy the Holloway family was.

" How about a trail ride after our lesson this afternoon? " I suggested as I slipped off my worn out paddock boots. " We could go down by the lake and take the horses for a dip? Darla says the water should be warm enough for us not to freeze to death "

Tina nodded enthusiastically. " Sounds great! "

Ashleigh smiled. " I bet Beauty would love that! " she stretched before reaching for Florence's tack, which was still packed away in a traveling trunk at the back of the tack room.

" Have my parents said anything about Lacy coming back and riding him? "

Her smile widened. " Your mom and I are on a first name basis now " she seemed proud of that achievement. " And she said that she may need to reconsider letting Lacy ride him again! "

We all high-fived. 

" Way to go Ash! " I cheered.

" You're so lucky! Surfer and I totally bombed last weeks show... " Tina replied as she looked down and rubbed her arm.

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