Chapter 34:

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Ashleigh's pov

The hotel we went to last night was insane, everything to do with Spruce Meadows was. After our little talk yesterday I almost ran into a group of EFA riders. They were all in there polos with EFA Equestrian Team on the back along with the school logo on the front. All the riders were the description of perfection. All together there were 6 of them I've seen so far, one fitting the descriptions of Sabrina Chapman. It only took one internet search to see that her competition record made Lacy look tame.

Five of them didn't speak a word to us as Eve and I quietly walked by. To intimidated by them we didn't dare let them know we were looking. Tough crowd they are. Sabrina however, was away from the other riders and actually sent us a warm smile as we walked by. I could only assume that those riders were all the elite team members from EFA. Sabrina apparently being the only one in her grade that hold at elite team title.

"Hey gorgeous" I coo as I walk into Beauty's stall stroking his face. The gelding sleepily leaned into me. I laugh, typical Beauty. He's always loved the attention. I hear the footsteps of a horse and rider stop out the front of our stall.

"Your horse reminds me of my gelding" I hear a girls voice say, I whip around to find Sabrina there smiling at me shyly.

"I'm Sabrina by the way" she introduces quickly.

"I'm Ashleigh, and thanks! Beauty is quite the character" I laugh petting him on the neck before starting to put his halter on.

"This is Crescendo, the biggest sook out" she muses, letting the horse she led touch noses with Beauty. The chestnut was bigger then Beauty, no surprise there but it was hard to believe he was a thoroughbred. He has this aura about him that didn't make him seem like it.

"What stables are you riding for? I couldn't help but to notice earlier you were with a group of riders" she says petting her chestnuts gleaming white stripe.

"Holloway Stables, you?" I announce suddenly feeling self conscious.

"Well it's a bit of both worlds for me, I'm here to represent Elliot Falls Academy's elite team in my intermediate eventing faze. But I'm also doing individual show jumping rounds to represent my mums barn Fairview Equestrian Center" she explains holding her smile.

"That's amazing, I'm not surprised though, your horse looks incredible" I said as though it was the most obvious thing. We talk for a while longer until someone comes looking for Sabrina. We wish each other good luck and say our goodbyes. She's was way nicer then I expected.

While tacking up Beauty I could barely do up his noseband because my hands were so shaky. Beauty gives me an 'are you serious right now?' look. It's times like these I really wished I took up meditation as a hobby. This show was so important to every single one of us. Once Beauty is finished I put his halter over his bridle and go to get changed. My hair was in a perfectly made bun, something which I had Mrs Holloway do early this morning for me. She insisted Evelyn do something more dramatic but the girl refused. I don't blame her, who wants to sit down for an hour to have their hair done?

"I checked you in, here's your number" Darla says, handing me the remaining stuff I needed. Evelyn smiled reassuringly at me but this time it won't be enough to help. This was it, the final show of the summer on Beauty, and it's at Spruce Meadows!!

"Thank you" I said in a shaky breath slightly relaxing once I took control of my breathing.

Jake was here today and he was latched to Evelyn like a leach. I scrunch my nose up at them as I lead Beauty out of the stables. Evelyn had been kind enough to wait for me to get on before heading to the warm up ring. She had her dressage two rounds before mine so it shouldn't affect her to much.

I couldn't get over how professional Beauty looked, the geldings fur was shining. His stark white star looked as if it was glowing. Not one braid was out of place on him today. Taking a deep breath again I place one foot in the stirrup and swing myself into the saddle. Evelyn did the same and as we made our way to the ring we again spot all the EFA riders having a talk with a coach of theirs. I believe it was Mr Reynolds, the coach of EFA's advanced and elite teams. Next to him I easily recognised Elizabeth Chapman and a mini version of Sabrina. That must be her little sister Melanie, I heard that she attended St Quinn primary school. A school any young future EFA students should be attending.

I knew right now most of the elite team members that were here today will be going up against us in prelim. It made me really nervous. What if we miss a lead change or knock a rail, have a time penalty? No EFA elite team rider would ever do that, so what if I do? I'll be knocked down so many ranks.

"Earth the Ashleigh" Eve jokes.

"Sorry Eve" I apologise sheepishly.

"What I was saying before you went off to lah lah land is that I think Jake likes me..." she trails off.

"You seriously saying that?" I ask raising my eyebrows at her unimpressed.

"I know it sounds silly but... I don't know, I think he does" she sighs.

"Are you stupid, for the whole of summer he's been 'Eve this' and 'Eve that', trust me! He likes you!" I said feeling exasperated.

"You think" she smiles.

"I know it, now when you go into that arena none of this exists. No Jake distractions, okay? Just give it your all" I said giving her a serious look.

"Gee thanks for the inspiration" she jokes but when she sees my serious look she rolls her eyes.

"I got it covered, don't worry" she assures smiling.

"Awesome, let's get warmed up" I grin before taking off at a trot into the warm up ring.

Beauty was working amazingly. He was responding, staying on the bit and perfecting his lead changes. He had a spring in his step today and was really getting into our warm up. Maybe we'll be lucky enough and place in the top 6 if he keeps going this well. I felt like everyone disappeared from view and finally my nerves calm, for real this time. We were here to have fun and show everyone that we still have a lot of fight left in us. Lacy will definitely regret leaving Beauty once she sees our performance today. Sure she's coming back to ride him after the holidays end but it was me who got to have him all to myself in the summer. As I see Evelyn getting ready to head to her test I wish her luck again. This was it!

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