Chapter 15:

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Evelyn's POV:

" Easy Hugo...Easy! "

Hugo snorted as he reared up, ears flat against his head. He stomped his leg on the ground when he came down, shaking his head.

I bit my lip, considering myself lucky I wasn't riding him right now. Ashleigh and I were on break, like the other riders, for about 3 hours, then it would be time for the final event, Cross-Country. However, while Ashleigh had gone to grab us some lunch, Hugo had started acting up, and nothing I was doing was getting him to calm down.

I rubbed his neck as I grabbed his halter in an attempt to try and stop him from rearing up again.

" Shh, Shh, Hugo... " I whispered as he started weaving from side to side, almost knocking me over.

" ...What's up with him? "

I nearly jumped out of my skin, spinning around to see Jake standing in the opening between the stall door and the wall.

At first, I was tempted to tell him to get lost, but the serious look on his face told me that he seemed genuinely concerned about Hugo.

I stepped away, letting Hugo circle around all he wanted. I shrugged at Jake.

" I have no idea... " I spoke honestly. " He just started acting up... "

Jake took a step into the stall, reaching out his hand for Hugo to smell. " Easy boy "

Hugo suddenly squealed, snapping at Jake, almost catching his hand in the process. In one blur of a moment, Jake had his arm around my waist as he ducked out of the stall, pulling me with him. He pulled the door shut and for a moment we stood there, his arm around my waist and our bodies pressed together.

When our eyes met, I felt the rush of red creeping up in my skin and I quickly moved away from him, running a hand through my hair. " Sorry...he usually isn't like that... "

Jake was checking over the hand that Hugo had tried to chomp. " You don't say... "

I turned back to him. " What's that supposed to mean? "

He shrugged as he turned back to look at Hugo, who was still pacing in a circle. " Well, you know that horses can take after their riders emotions "

I raised a brow. " So you're saying this is my fault? That he's acting this way because of me? " I felt the tension rise in my tone. Hugo and I had been doing great at this show and I didn't feel nervous at all.

Jake rolled his eyes. " I'm just saying- "

I held up my hand to stop him. " The only thing that's accurate in what you're saying is that Hugo and I share the same feeling when it comes to you... "

He smirked. " What? That you want a piece of this? " he gestured to himself.

I almost gagged. " Dream on! " I shook my head. " Hugo and I will wipe that smirk off your face in the cross-country "

He chuckled, making me shiver.

" With the way your horse is acting, you don't stand a chance "

I watched him walk away, wanting to scream or kick something. How could someone be so genuine one minute and then a total egotistical jerk the next?

I heard footsteps coming down the aisle behind me. Thinking it was Ashleigh, I eagerly turned. " You will not believe what Jake just said- "

I froze when I realized the person I had been about to rant to wasn't Ash, but Lacey instead.

She raised a brow at me. " What are you talking about? "

I shook my head. " Nothing... " I replied. " What are you doing here Lacey? "

Lacey stepped around me, towards Beauty, who was stalled beside Hugo. Unlike Hugo, who was making me dizzy with all his pacing and circling, Beauty was practically sleeping, his back hoof cocked up and his eyes closed. Once Lacey clucked at him however, he immediately perked up and walked over to her, practically begging to be touched by her.

Lacey smiled. " I missed you boy... "

I leaned back against Hugo's stall, confused as to why she was even at this show in the first place.

Lacey continued to rub Beauty's face. " Don't worry boy, you won't have to put up with this for much longer... "

" What are you talking about? "

Before Lacey could reply, my parents walked over to us. They looked so out of place on the show grounds, dressed in outfits that made them look as if they had just come from a wedding or other glamorous ceremony.

They smiled at Lacey. To them, Lacey had always been the perfect rider, in the ribbons everytime and a winning partnership with her horse. They didn't realize that her personality needed some serious work.

" Nice to see that you two have reacquainted " Dad spoke up.

Mom nodded. " And New Moon has missed you so very much Lacey " she added.

Lacey smiled. " Well, I'm so grateful you gave me the opportunity to ride him again, it's a dream come true! "

" What? " I spoke up. " But...Ashleigh is riding Beauty "

Mom sighed. " We think that New Moon is underperforming with her, and we've gotten a complaint from another worker and rider that New moon is not getting the required work he should for a horse of his caliber. We discussed these terms with each rider at the start and since we cant have one of our horses underperforming, we've decided to have Lacey return to the stable and take the responsibility of New Moon back into her more than capable hands "

I shook my head. " You can't do that! " I snapped. " Ashleigh has been working Beauty to his full potential! They've formed a bond! You can't rip them apart! "

" Evelyn! " Mom snapped at me. " You will not speak to us in that tone! "

I bit my lip. " ...Just...Just give them until the end of summer okay? Let Ashleigh prove that she and Beauty can bring home ribbons! Please! "

Mom and Dad looked at each other, a look passing between them before they sighed.

" ...We will discuss it... " Dad told me. " In the meantime, you focus on yourself and Hugo young lady. You did well in the show-jumping, but your dressage is in need of much improvement... "

I smiled with relief and nodded. " Okay, thank you "

Once they were gone, Lacey glared at me. " We've known each other for years and yet you choose a girl you just met over me? "

I rolled my eyes. " You abandoned Beauty! I know he cares about you a lot more than you care about him, and Ashleigh isn't like that. She's only known Beauty for a bit and she loves him, so yes, I will help her fight to keep riding him "

Lacey rolled her eyes. " You know in the end that your parents will choose me...and there's nothing you can do about it... "

She left, leaving me standing, baffled outside Hugo's stall with one question in mind. Although I'm pretty sure I already knew the answer.

Who had lied to my parents about Ashleigh?

Two names came to mind. One I wasnt sure about, but the other was almost a garuntee

Blair and Kelly...

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