Chapter 11:

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Evelyn's POV:

A week had passed by and Holloway was quiet.

After Tina had chewed me out during the race, I realized that Kelly and Blair weren't the kind of girls I wanted to be friends with, that Darla had been right. They were a bad influence on me.

So I had been avoiding them as much as possible, which was hard considering we had lessons together in the mornings.

So I decided to use my status as Holloway's 'princess' (what I had heard some of the riders call me in the past week) to my advantage.

On Monday I arranged and meet up with Darla before any of the riders were getting ready to work. We met in the skybox above the arena.

" What's the matter, Evelyn? " Darla spoke with concern. " Worried about the first show of the season this weekend? "

I nodded. " Of course I am...but...I'm more worried about another thing... "

Darla raised a brow. " What is it? "

" I was wondering if you could move Kelly and Blair to the later shift and lesson? "

Darla nodded slowly, realization flashing in her eyes. " I'm glad you took my advice on those girls " she replied. " I'll inform them today that they will be switching with two of the afternoon shift riders "

I smiled. " Thanks, Darla "

After that I had left the skybox, making my way down to Hugo's stall.

I had been surprised to see Kelly standing there, watching Hugo until she noticed me.

And she did not look happy.

" I heard what you said " She whispered.

I raised a brow. " What are you talking about? "

She rolled her eyes. " Don't play the innocent act! " she snapped. " I just heard you talking to Darla! You got Blair and I moved to the afternoon shift and lesson! " her face was beet red. " I thought we were friends Eve! "

I rolled my eyes. " Well, you thought wrong " I replied, taking a step closer to her. " You're mean Kelly! You and Blair try things that aren't safe for riders of your level and you make everyone else feel like losers when they care more about the safety of their horses than intimidating other riders! " my voice increased with every word. " And you don't get to call me Eve because we aren't friends anymore! "

Kelly's face turned from red to white in an instant. " I can offer you way more than either Tina or Ashleigh combined! They're just nobodies! Not like us! We actually matter in the horse world! "

I shook my head. " Go bug someone else Kelly, I'm through with you " I turned on my heels and began to walk away.

" ...You'll be sorry! "

I froze. " What? " I asked as I turned back around, but Kelly was already gone...


" Good morning riders! " Darla greeted our new Tuesday lesson group. Kelly and Blair were gone and now Tina and Penny had joined us. Already I could feel the calmer environment in the arena.

Ashleigh had Beauty halted beside me, watching Darla with focused eyes. She wasn't too talkative during lessons, like most of us who preferred to not get in trouble with Darla.

" You'll notice that I've changed up the groups a bit, so welcome to the morning lesson Tina and Penny " she smiled at the two girls, who had their horses halted at the end of the line up of horses.

" As you all know, we have our first show of the season coming up this weekend. It is at our neighbors down the road, Twin-Bay Farm, so while we still have to trailer the horses, it isn't too far of a trip " Darla explained.

Twin-Bay was known for always hosting the first show of the season in the second week of summer. They had a killer cross-country course that made even Holloway's course seem mediocre. I was excited to get Hugo out and about for our first season debut at the preliminary level.

Darla held up her clipboard she was holding, walking back and forth between us. " This is a list of riders and what level hey will be competing at... " she started to work her way down the list. " Evelyn and Hugo, Ashleigh and Beauty, Tina and Surfer, Adam and Nitro and Luke and Mask will be competing at the Preliminary level, while Penny and Nina will compete in training level "

I smiled at Ashleigh and Tina. Competing against them was going to be so much fun!

" Now " Darla continued. " As you all know very well, Eventing is divided into three phases, Dressage, Cross-Country, and Show-Jumping. While this is only a day event, not a three-day event, everyone is required to make sure that their horses had the proper care they'll need to make it through the whole day, as well, you all, as riders, make sure you are plenty hydrated "

I looked down at Hugo and rubbed his neck gently.

Darla clapped her hands together. " Now, for the rest of the week leading up to the show, we will be working in this order. Today is Dressage, a chance to brush up on tests and flatwork and Thursday will be jumping. Half of you will go off with assistant Coach Maddie to the outdoor show-jumping ring and the other half will go out with me onto the cross-country course. After about an hour we will switch groups. For the rest of the week, it will be up to you what you will decide to work on, but I'll give you all this piece of advice " she smiled. " I know everyone wants to work on jumping, but don't ignore the flatwork or dressage. A great eventing horse will not become great without being educated in the art of horse dancing "

I looked down. Hugo and I needed some serious work in our dressage...

" Now then, is everyone clear on what will be happening this week? "

We all nodded, making Darla smile.

" Good. Now, everyone, drop your stirrups and make your way out to the wall at a working walk "

I could tell we all internally groaned.

This lesson was gonna leave us sore....

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