Chapter 8:

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Ashleigh's pov

After Kelly continued to humiliate me I jumped off of Beauty almost instantly. As much as I would love to wipe that smirk of Kelly's face, I wouldn't risk my horses safety. He had only jumped 1.40m before and I wasn't about to push this on him. Especially when he wasn't in shape and hadn't been ridden much since Winter.

As Tina began to set up the jumps and the others arguing got louder, I slipped out of the arena. By now they had a small crowd of students watching them curiously, who would accept the challenge?

Walking into the stables, I see an angry Darla storm past me with one of the afternoon workers, Zara following behind. It confused me, why had Zara raced past me before, just to follow Darla back out. What's got Darla so wounded up? Then I realised, the girls were about to be in serious trouble.

Deciding against my better judgement I turn Beauty around and trail behind to see what happened. As I neared the entry of the arena again, those who had been following Darla or lingering around had began to scurry away.

"You don't want to go in there" I heard someone say as I was nearing the entry. I believe his name was Noah, his friend Tyler was next to him with a look of agreement on his face.

"What's going on?" I ask glancing towards the door, I could faintly hear the muffled sound of Darla's angry voice.

"Well not long after you ditched the little show down, Zara decided it was best she go tell Darla what was happening" Tyler shrugs.

"You should probably get out of here so no one pulls you into it, we're only here to take care of their horses afterwards" Noah suggests with a sincere voice, I agreed completely and said a quiet good bye.

What would've happened if I stayed? I should've talked them out of it, suggesting it wasn't a good idea. Then I shook my head slightly, that was their own fault for being immature. It only started because Kelly couldn't keep her big mouth shut. What the heck did I do aside from apparently cutting her off? Oh that's right, nothing!

Third person

Darla was more then furious as she stormed into the arena, spotting Evelyn about to make a dangerously high jump.

"What is going on here!?" her sharp voice breaking the tension apart in the arena. Acting on instincts, Evelyn pulls her horse to a swift stop just moments away from jumping the towering fence. All the riders who had been watching also froze, Tina being no exception. No one said a word at the fuming cross armed coach.

"Everyone who isn't on a horse leave this arena now" Darla snaps.

Kelly nervously glanced a Blair who held a straight face with much confidence. Evelyn looked down not baring seeing the disappointment written over Darla's face. Tina hesitates wondering if she should stay behind.

"I'll speak to you later Tina, it's past your break time isn't it?" Darla continues sending a warning look her way. A light shade of pink was starting to appear on Tina's face from embarrassment as she to left the arena.

Everyone cleared out of the arena immediately not stopping once to see the look on Darla's face. No one had seen her this angry before. In no time, it was just the three girls sitting on their horses.

"Unacceptable, this nonsense in not tolerated here at Holloway, we are a professional barn and don't need such childish behaviour" Darla starts.

"If one of you or the horses got hurt, it would cast a bad reputation over Holloway resulting in you most likely being kicked out, is that what you want ladies!?" Darla's angry voice now raising a couple pitches high.

"Please I would like an answer" she prompts staring angrily at all three girls.

"No ma'am" the girls mutter.

"No I didn't think so, now dismount, I think your horses have had enough today" Darla keeps her arms crossed, a scrutinising gaze clear as day on her face. The girls don't argue and jumped off their horses so quickly it could give anyone whip lash.

"If you girls wish to be over competitive with one another and ruin the team environment then go ahead, but do it with a safe work ethic" Darla huffs arms still crossed.

"Don't do some ridiculously high jump neither of you are capable of completing" she continue lecturing the now red faced girls.

"On the way out you go ahead and pass your horses to Noah and Tyler, then go back to your rooms, I want you in my office at 5:30am, clear?" no one dared to speak against the coach, even Kelly knew better.

Ashleigh's pov

Yesterday afternoon had been rather interesting, when I arrived back at the cabin both Blair and Kelly were already there having a death stare contest. Nina had awkwardly been caught in the middle of it and Tina dropped over to speak to me after her shift ended. Apparently she had explained the whole situation about Kelly starting up trouble and who did or didn't go through with it. It made me feel better that Darla didn't need to talk to me and that she was in fact understanding about why I hadn't said anything about it to her.

But this morning we all had been called to a meeting at 5:30am. I was unsure of what is was about but had a clear idea it was to do with yesterday. It was all the working students as well as Evelyn who had been gathered into massive office standing around awkwardly. When Darla walks in, everyone goes silent and did she seem a lot more pleased with herself today.

"You all must be wondering why I've called you to the office this morning. There seems to be unsettled competition going around between the groups and I've decided to find away to somewhat settle the rivalry" Darla stated looking pleased with herself.

"We will have an orienteering relay race between 6 teams, 5 teams of two and one team of 3" this caught my attention, I was never the competitive type with orienteering but however I did love the exploring side of it.

"I've found a clear time when no one will be needed at the barn therefore at 3pm everyone shall be mounted and ready to go" Darla announces.

"The teams are as follows-"

"Adam and Tyler, Blair and Kelly, Noah and Luke, Penny and Nina, Rachelle and Zara, and last but not least Ashleigh, Evelyn and Tina".

"The way it works is that you need to find all the correct locations by using a map, and if not, then your common sense. There will be no going into horses pastures, only empty ones are allowed to be cut through. To show proof that you've been to that location, you will all take a picture together showing clearly where you are. Once you've completed that, then you ride back here and show me, if one location is wrong then I'll tell you to go do that particular question again. These questions will not tell you where you going exactly but give pointers away" Darla goes to list off all the main points.

"The rest of the rules will be mentioned this afternoon, you'll have 2 hours to find every location on that question list. But remember, we will meet just before 3pm this afternoon at the outdoor arena to go after last minute details. At 3pm, the game will start and you'll have a lot of untouched land to cover. Most of all, stick to the trails and have your phone on you at all times for emergencies" Darla looks at every single one of us and we remain quiet.

"You all may get to your duties, we'll have this convocation again later, off you go" she shoos.

I glance over at Tina and Evelyn, this was going to be super fun!!

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