Chapter 5:

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Evelyn's POV:

My alarm started ringing at 5 am sharp, but I had been up since 4. I hadn't been able to sleep much last night, my mind continually replaying the meeting over and over in my head. Practically all the riders had stared at me at one point or another and each of them seemed to have the same envious glare as they took in my outfit. I had been happy t finally ditch the clothes as soon as I was back in the house and had remained in my room for the rest of the evening.

It was still dark outside when I made my way down to the barn, dressed in all black. For a Monday morning at the beginning of summer, it was unusually gloomy, dark clouds blocking out any bits of the rising sun on the horizon. I didn't mind the change in weather, the dark was a perfect concealer for me not wanting to run into any other riders around the barn, although, I doubted any of them would be up until at least 5:30, so I had some alone time to practice with Hugo.

The sounds of hoofbeats reached my ears just before I could open the barn door. Making my way around to where the outdoor dressage arena was located just off to the left, I could just make out the faint silhouette of a horse and rider.

Staying quiet, I slowly made my way over to see who it was.

I immediately recognized the dark coat and white star that belonged to Beauty, which meant that was Ashleigh that was riding.

Ashleigh and I had bumped into each other after the meeting, but other than an apology, I didn't really know what to say to her, so I had left. Not exactly the best first impression, but I couldn't stand all the eyes that had been watching me after the meeting, not that it mattered, I say the girl named Tina happily chatting up Ashleigh as I left.

Ashleigh didn't seem to notice me as she trotted Beauty in a twenty-meter circle at the other end of the arena. I wondered why she was practicing by herself, why she hadn't invited one of her 3 roommates or a rider on her morning shift to ride with her.

Until I realized I was doing the exact same thing. However, I was riding alone because I didn't have any roommates or riders that I knew. It wasn't really a choice for me.

Beauty moved well under Ashleigh, I had to admit. I hadn't really watched him being ridden much after his previous rider left, but he seemed to move with energy an purpose with his new rider.

As I continued to watch them, I knew that Ashleigh would be a tough competitor in the dressage ring, maybe even jumping too.

But that had yet to be determined...

I felt a competitive feeling flare up inside me, something I only ever experienced at shows. I had taken private lessons pretty much my whole riding career, so participating in group lessons would be new to me.

Now I wasn't just being judged by my coach, but every other rider in the arena, who, I might add, already had high expectations of my riding, so if I messed up, it would be completely humiliating.

If Hugo and I knocked a rail

Missing a flying change

If he refused a jump

Or if I fell off

My parents' words echoed in my brain, finally starting to make sense.

'You will be holding up the Holloway Equestrian Centre status. If you do poorly, it reflects not just on you, but the stable as a whole'

I shook the words from my brain, taking my eyes off of Ashleigh and Beauty and making my way into the barn.

The flare in my body lit up like a fire. I couldn't let Holloway's reputation slip all because I messed up, not in front of all these new riders.

The new competition...

By the time I had finished grooming Hugo (Thanks to his decision to roll last night), other riders were starting to fill the barn.

I considered myself lucky that I didn't have to work like they did, it gave me an advantage by meaning I could practice more than they could.

" Um, excuse me? "

I turned, locking eyes with Ashleigh, who was standing in the doorway. Without a word, I moved Hugo so that she could lead Beauty by. The dark gelding was mildly sweaty but didn't look completely exhausted. Ashleigh quickly walked him past and set him up in the cross-ties right in front of Hugo and me.


As I started tacking Hugo up, I noticed Ashleigh pausing at moments as she untacked Beauty like she wanted to speak with me, but didn't.

Before I could say anything, a slim girl with golden blonde hair suddenly made her way over to me.

" It's Evelyn, right? " She asked.

I nodded silently, but my lack of a response didn't seem to affect her as she smiled and stuck her hand out for me to shake.

" I'm Kelly! Kelly Abrams. We have a lot in common you know "

" We do? " I replied, my voice monotone.

She nodded, her silky smooth hair falling down over her shoulders. " My dads runs his own business as well! And he also is into the racehorse game. In fact, we own a few of them. One you may know as the stallion, President Lincon, ever heard of him? "

Her tone seemed to imply that her racehorse was well known, but I hadn't heard of him and my dad never brought him up.

Kelly giggled. " Anyway, we should totally practice together after my morning shift! "

Before I could reply, she had already turned around and was walking away. " Let's meet in the indoor arena at 2! "

I was pretty much speechless, unable to say a word other than. " ...O-Okay... "

I stood beside Hugo for a few minutes, before Ashleigh caught my eye. She was staring at me, making me feel a bit uncomfortable.

" ...What? " I spoke up, my tone harsher than I intended.

She quickly looked down. " Nothing... "

As I finished tacking up Hugo, I avoided looking at Ashleigh, feeling embarrassed for sounding like I had snapped at her.

I wanted to apologize, but the sound of hooves clicking down the smooth stone floor of the barn cut off my thoughts.

Tina-leading Surfer, had stopped in front of Ashleigh and Beauty. The Palomino gelding matched perfectly with the shorter girl.

I pretended to be double checking Hugos' jumping boots (which I didn't even know why I had put on since I had just planned on flatting him this morning) while listening to Tina and Ashleigh's conversation.

" Want to practice together? "

" Aren't you on the afternoon shift? "

There was a pause. " ...Am I? "

Then came a loud laugh. " Oh my god! I totally forgot! " Tina replied. " Awe, too bad. Still, you should practise again this afternoon and maybe I can stop in on my break and watch, give you some helpful pointers! "

" Um...sure, I guess "

" Great! Let's meet int he indoor arena at 2 sharp! "

I sensed Ashleigh looking back at me, but kept my head down, not saying a word as I waited for her to reply.

" ...Sure... "

I bit my lip. This afternoon would be...interesting...

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